My daughter is 6 years old and has had vitiligo for 2 years. She copes so well with it and we have never shared with her what she has. I feel like we can't hide it anymore and she needs to know what's going on. My husband and I want to sit down and have a talk with her and explain to her what her white spots are. We want to do it in a way where she is not self concience of them at all. How did you tell your child? How did they react? I appreciate your feedback.
That is awesome Danielle. She is so lucky too to have an older sister at the same school to look out for her. :)
So far the school year has gone well here for my little girl. She's had some questions asked by friends and she's handled it on her own. It was kind of neat actually as the other day she came home from school and said that a girl in her class asked her about it and then said that she thought it looked like eye make-up and that it was really cool! :) Zoey (was smiling and proud when she shared that with me.) Made my heart happy that she was so matter of fact about it and almost seemed proud. She has her visible white patches on her eyelids and a bit around her eyes.
My dd was diagnosed last month at the age of 7. We were very matter of fact and truthful. She's dealing with it incredibly well so far. It's pretty much a non-issue. We'll see how the start of the school year goes. We've been thinking about putting a little book together with pictures of her as well as ones that she draws to present to her second grade class this coming year in hopes of eliminating questions and stares. I'll let you know if we do it and how it goes.
Thanks for the advice:) Are you using any creams on your daughter that seem to be helping?