
I am new to the site and would like to thank everyone for being so welcoming!  My precious 8 year old son was diagnosed with vitiligo last June.  I have been completely stressed and completely consumed with all things vitiligo.  I am so worried about his future...will he be happy, will he ever have a girlfriend, get married, etc.  Would love to hear stories about how vitiligo has effected your lives.

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  • I am an adult with the diagnosis last June too. I have been consumed, stressed as well.  My skin color has changed a great deal in the last 6 months but I am a fair white person.  I love the support of this group.  I think that your son's future is bright.  There are many parents who will support you and children who will support your son on this site.  God bless!
    • Thanks so much!  I am loving this site!  It certainly makes me feel less alone!
  • Christie,

    Thank you for joining the group.  As a parent I know how this would affect me as well.  I would suggest that you read back through the forums for information and get support from the others here.  You will find special friends that you enjoy talking to and who will be able to provide the educational information that you need.  I would suggest encouraging him to be open about it with his friends so that everyone will see that is ok.  But most importantly make sure that your precious 8 year old knows that he loved and he will be alright.


    Vitiligo affects everyone differently.  Some are not ok with it, some are ok, and then some are in between.  I am in between but leaning more to ok.  It can take a toll on you however.  It makes you look funny and people stare.  So it can really affect ones self esteem.  But if you are there to encourage you son from day 1, he probably will be ok with it one day if he is not already.  As far as love, people see you as you see yourself.  They love you as you love yourself.  So he will find love and probably will get married.  So dont worrry to much!   Stay on the site and you will find strength for yourself as well.  Stop by my page anytime.  Cawanda

    • Thanks so much for your encouraging words!!
    • You are Welcome!!
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