OK! It's time for our next world-wide Vitiligo web meet. We're scheduled for Sunday, July 12th, at 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern / 12am GMT (next day). The international time link is http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=7&day=12&year=2009&hour=17&min=0&sec=0&p1=137.
To connect to the actual session Sunday, use this link: http://www.tinyurl.com/vitiligo
I'm so excited!
Here's how this works. I've set up the web meeting using a service called Elluminate. This is free for us (I work for Elluminate) and it should work on any computer. All you will need is a computer with access to the Internet. To test your computer please go to the webpage http://www.elluminate.com/support where you can make sure you have the right software loaded. The meeting software allows for audio, video, chat, and presentations, so it should be a LOT of fun. If you have a webcam, we'll encourage you to say hello through it at some point, but you do not need a webcam to participate. If you want to talk during the session, you can use your computer mic or headset, or you can dial into a telephone number which I'll make available at the time. We will record the meeting so that if you can't make it, you can watch it later.
We are going to have a special guest presentation Sunday night by Raymond Boissy, who is a professor of Dermatology and Cell Biology at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, the President of the National Vitiligo Foundation, and a basic science researcher who has focused on the pathophysiology of Vitiligo for decades. He's going to tell us about the research currently being done and what he knows about Vitiligo. He's also a member of Vitiligo Friends, and you can see his profile at http://vitiligo.ning.com/profile/RaymondBoissy.
After he speaks and takes questions, then we'll have social time! There's no agenda for the social time, but we'll invite those who want to to introduce themselves and we'll spend some quality time together making connections. Bring your own (root) beer and chips!
Can't wait to get together!
Recording Link: https://sas.elluminate.com/p.jnlp?psid=2009-07-12.1736.M.D558C473A34EBCCCB3CF33241EAC70.vcr
Dr. Boissy Slides linked below.NVF Presentation 2009-2.ppt
NVF Presentation 2009-2.ppt
I look forward to join in.
I think I just got setup for the meeting. I have never done this before, but I am looking forward to seeing everyone. I have met Dr. Boissy a few times and he is very nice and interesting to talk with.
I am excited, too. Thanks, Patty
I hope the hook up works out OK this week end. Unfortunately I won't be able to participate due to travel arrangements.
Best wishes
Steve I enjoyed our last Vitiligo chat so much that, Waiting a whole another month is torture on me...............lol, Why can't we have them every week or every other week, I hating waiting so long to see and talk with some of you over the net, Those video chats are so much fun and if you never experienced it here on Vitiligo friends you missed out on some fun