now has 3,000 members!

Our network has reached a fun milestone:  3,000 members.  I don't know about you, but being a part of the network has really made a difference for me, especially during the last year as I've lost most of the pigment in my face and none of my friends or family really seem to understand how hard that has been.

It really makes a difference for me to know that there are others struggling with the same emotions, learning to be emotionally strong, and sharing treatment strategies and results.  When I started the network just over three years ago there were months where we had only one person join.  Now, there are usually 3 or 4 a day who find us, and about once a week I get a note from someone telling me how much the network has helped them.

This is obviously not a commercial network, and you've likely noticed that I try to be quick to delete or reprimand those who attempt to sell or promote their products on the network.  I do that because while a particular product may have helped a particular person, promises of Vitiligo "cures" are too tempting to those who are emotionally vulnerable, and it's important to insist on strict scientific studies showing the effectiveness of a treatment.  I don't make any money running the network, and a thoughtful donation from the National Vitiligo Foundation ( for the last year has paid the hosting costs.

A final shout-out of thanks to our site hosts (Cawanda, Nadika, Sam, and Racinecar!) and all of you who regularly greet new members to the site.  You are all awesome.


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  • Aloha Steve and friends,

    This site has helped me so much. I have only seen one other person on the streets who has vitiligo, so it’s so good be in contact with all of you who share this problem. I thank you for the warm welcome I have felt here too!

    Vitiligo hit me hard several years ago and I am a college teacher in warm Hawaii.  For two years I have covered up and worn makeup.  Now I can’t figure out which to conceal...the depigmented patches or what little pigment on my arms and hands I have left! I am tired of all the money and time sent with make-up on my arms and how it smears on everything.  This next semester I have decided to go natural and bare it all and explain it to my students. I think it will be good for my students too.  I am lucky that my boyfriend likes me the way I am and says I am his calico cat.

    Thank you, Steve, for starting this site and to the other hosts who have been so kind and helpful to me.  We really need each other


  • I can't even tell you how much this website has helped me. Sometimes my Vitiligo makes me feel so alone and so hopeless. Whenever I start to feel that way I try to come here and read the forum and it helps. Thanks so much.

  • CONGRATULATIONS are certainly in order. God Bless! From VITFriends o Boston, MA

  • As a parent to a daughter with vitiligo this site has been exactly what I needed.  No one else in my "real life" can ever truly understand what we (parents, as that is my role here :) go through. Thanks for starting it.  It is a community that shares needed information and a shoulder to cry on when we need it.  Congrats on 3000 members, and lets grow bigger and stronger!  And all the while, support each other along the way!


  • Thanks Steve for the shout out!!  I am so glad that you were inspired to create this site for us!!   I truly love welcoming people to the site.  It is a great opportunity to meet and greet people from all over the world.  I have met lifetime friends here and I am incredibly happy to be a part of the family!!  Yes we are are growing at a rapid pace and I will continue welcoming!!  One day we will be at 10,000 members!!  Take care!!  Peace and love!!

  • Steve, Congrats on the 3000 members! When i was first diagnosted with Vitiligo I was sick about it. Your sight really pulled me thru and I have also met so many great people on here!!! Keep up the good work!!!!:)

    • I'm so glad our network helped, William.  Awesome!

  • Great work Steve. I am so happy to find this site. Eventhough I haven't made a ton of freinds but what I  found are quality.

    • I'm glad you're here.  Hopefully more friends come!  You may be shy about posting a picture of yourself, but that might help.

      • More than shyness, I still don't have the courage to do it. I am getting better day by day and hopefully soon I will be posting pictures. Thanks for the advise

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