The Joy of living

Not long ago I thought I was living my life to the fullest, filling it with things (objects, material) that I thought was part of my happiness, well it wasn't until I lost my best friend that I realized I was not living... Sometimes life can be so hard and challenging that it pushes you into the direction that helps you realize that without all these struggles, love lost, loosing people you love, not seeing yourself!!!  Your giving no choice but to pull the mask off and come to terms with what's really important and to me it's not filling my empty void with just stuff, or covering myself up just so other's wont look, (my soul is to free to live in a cage) or replacing people you lost along the way with other's that can never be that person you lost. You just have to find the joy in living, and to me it's loving myself unconditionally 1st; excepting myself with all my imperfections, learning about who I am and what I can give to others who are less fortunate than me, educating people about what is Vitiligo instead of being defensive and fighting against the grain, embracing who I am, living my dream to become an actor, not dreaming my life away... In life there's no secret to balance you just have to feel the waves and go with it....

So I ask you what is your Joy? and how do you live in Joy?

Live to make yourself happy and that happiness will grow onto other's it's like a Domino effect spread Love not hate... 


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  • Paz thanks. your posting was just beautiful and so very true. we need to hear messages like yours often, to bust our confidence in dealing with viti. my joy is my children, grandchildren and family. my joy is also counting my blessing of how furtunate i am to have the family that i have. whenever i feel i don't have joy, i think of everything God has given me and truly lately i have been more accepting of viti.

    • Beautiful Maritza Thank You for sharing with me when I read other people's stories, and how they work on how to feel better or find joy in their lives living with any imperfections That gives me strength, Life is way to short to sweat the small things.... We still have our Health, Mind, we have the power to fill our day with love, laughter, family, friends whatever it is that makes you happy... Live it and live to the best of your abilities...



  • Nice post Paz! Thanks for sharing.  Right now, my joy come from raising my children.  And I cherish every minute with them.

    • Family is very important... Nice to know Jeff you find joy in that.... Our skin disorder is superficial, it's who we are from the inside and I know that sound so Cliché but it's true... I met a lot of people on my journey most very humble and down to earth people, but there are always pretentious people hanging around to try to make you feel bad, that's their role in life.. but what they don't realize is they are living an empty life while we are loving, living excepting who we are.... it's the best gift anyone can give themselves to accept all of your flaws and imperfections and just share love... Thanks for sharing Jeff take care 

    • Family is very important... Nice to know Jeff you find joy in that.... Our skin disorder is superficial, it's who we are from the inside and I know that sound so Cliché but it's true... I met a lot of people on my journey most very humble and down to earth people, but there are always pretentious people hanging around to try to make you feel bad, that's their role in life.. but what they don't realize is they are living an empty life while we are loving, living excepting who we are.... it's the best gift anyone can give themselves to accept all of your flaws and imperfections and just share love... Thanks for sharing Jeff take care 

  • Hello, my joy is creativity, a gift from my Creator God.  I am not always joyful, but I am always trying to remember to go back to what my joy is and what it does for me.  I am a wife, a mother and a grandmother and I feel blessed.  But I was not always joyful, it was a slow process of learning to love the person I am.  I came to believe I was a child of Creator God and I felt love and then I wanted to share my love with others.  That is my joy, too.

    Thank you, Mariposa, for sharing your story with us.

    Peace be with you,


    • So sweet Patricia, thank you for sharing your journey with me as well... I will never lie to you or anyone on this website and say that it is a piece of cake to deal with living with vitiligo I do have my challenges but they will never steal my joy away from living the best possible life I can live... I love who I see in the Mirror, and I want to inspire those who are having a hard time with it.... I am always here to listen, I am not as active as I once was on Vitiligo Friends but from time to time I pop my head in to see how everyone is doing... Be well and remember you only have one life that you know of so you mightiest well live it to the fullest even if it means just sitting still and enjoy the silence, reading a good book, meeting up friends and family... it's those little moments that count, so always count those beautiful blessings.....


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