
I have vit on my scalp & my hair is very thin where the vit is. Has anyone else experiencw this & what did you do to thicken your hair? Please share thank you :)

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  • Hi Jessica,

    I went to my hairdresser and she matched my current hair color so I am able to do it at home. It is a lot easier if you don't have highlights or any added coloring. I have to do it every few weeks because the white hair grows in patches and it is extremely noticeable since I have dark hair. It is horrible when people comment on my white hair especially if they don't know about the condition because it is embarrassing to be in your twenties and have patches of white hair. 

  • Thanks everyone for your input :)

  • I had vit on my face and the hair turned white and eventually stopped growing where the spots were. I asked my Dermatologist about this and he said that it was a common occurrence. After treatment and creams the vit spots went away hair started to grow back. I have before and after pics on my profile page and my group page. Pete.

  • I have always had thin/ fine hair and hate it! lately I have been wondering if its linked with vitiligo? Recently I noticed a small patch of hair loss, now I'm wondering if its actually a vit patch - it's hard to that I dyed my hair darker I think it could be more noticeable. I've had my thyroid checked, thinning weak hair can be a sign of thyroid issues, but the doctor couldn't find anything.

    Just wondering for those who see the white hairs- have you successfully been able to dye the hair to be less noticeable?

    Antuana, I understand your frustrations...I tried some thickening hair shampoo/conditioner and saw some improvements. However I stopped this because the chemicals in the products made me worry - didn't want to aggravate the vit further :s
    • Hi there Jessica!

      Hair loss & thinning of hair can definitely be caused by a dysfunctional thyroid gland. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism many years ago & it took several doctors several years to pick up that my symptoms were due to an over- active thyroid gland. I mention this to you, so that you are aware that even though they test the thyroid gland, the results may return "normal,"whereas you could have fluctuating levels (as was in my case), which made it difficult for doctors to detect. You also need to request that your doctor do all the necessary thyroid function tests, as many doctors don't & your results show up as "normal". I strongly advise you to google the thyroid gland & see what full thyroid blood tests are necessary to get an accurate diagnosis.  

      Yes, you can dye your white hairs where they won't be noticeable. I advise you to use one colour throughout your whole head. The white hairs will be a few shades lighter than the rest of your hair. I guess it all depends on your hair type & the dye you use. I used to use box dyes from supermarkets but noticed that the colour was not long lasting & rather opted for my hairdresser to colour & highlight my hair which looks so much better & the colour lasts longer!  A product that I can highly recommend for hair loss is Vigro capsules, Vigro shampoo & Vigro tonic. If you use all three Vigro products regularly & as indicated, you should notice an improvement after about 3 months. It is safe for vitiligo sufferers. I used them & had no problem, only great results!  

      I hope that my advice,or part of it can help you.  All the best & please keep me posted! :-)






































































      • Thanks Michelle for your experience and info about thyroid, doctors are always so hard to convince to do further testing! its something I have been wanting to get checked again. Is the Vigro product natural? Ill look into that also thanks :) jess
    • Hair loss is no fun :/ it might be a sign of alopecia :/ another autoimmune nasty ... Have you looked into gluten free diet ? Gluten is suspected to be the cause of all the autoimmune nasties .

  • I had and still have two little spots on my chin and when the beard grows the hair would be thinner on the spots , but now as my spots shrank dramatically aftru using tyrosine the hair on those small remaining spots seem to not be thinner . Wait i will go check it in the mirror. 

    Hmm very hard to say but i think the white hair still are a little bit thinner . Spots too small to tell for sure . But they used to be clearly thinner .

    To be honest this Vitiligo pisses me off , doesnt it ? 

    Next couse i will double the dose to get rid of the remaining two small spots . Cause im losing my patience :D 

    I know im not too much help :/

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