





August 18

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About Me:

Hello :) I am so happy to have found this place, it's so great to see that there are so many people out there who are on the same wave as me. I have type 1 diabetes and started to notice the white patches after about 3 yrs of having diabetes. They don't bug me too much, but I do have my days... So happy to find a place where i can get some support, while I can offer my support in return!

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  • Nelson, nice meet u here!
  • are you in glacier in these photos? Where do you have spots. I look at the pics so i can see what other people look like with this disease. does anyone else in your family have vitiligo and what did the doc say about the diabetes and vitiligo connection if there is any?
  • Welcome Marie, You will find alot of people on this site who are in the same situation. Like myself. We all all here to help one another.
  • Marie, Thanks. Yes , I am having a great week. You came to the right place, you will meet so many great people in the same situation.
  • Welcome Marie.
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