





June 8

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About Me:

I'm a masters student, living in France with my amazing husband. I have been an advertising executive before venturing into International Business in which I'm doing my masters currently. Known for my kick-ass attitude, I've mellowed down a lot since the vitiligo started in 2010, so maybe I have to thank it for calming me down a little and spending more time reflecting about more important things in life. I'm here to gain more perspective, snap out of self-pity, look at the mirror and smile instead of cry, and more importantly, get to met all you great people and get inspire - hopefully to reach a stage where I myself could be a source of inspiration to others. Much love.

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  • Thank you all, so encouraging. My vitiligo story, I guess, isn't very different from everyone else's. Although mine seems to be very mild, I only have 4 small spots on my face, yet it has left me devastated imagining the worse. After reading and reviewing many stories, I realise it's best to accept it, and I try less and less to cover it up with make-up. I need to live with it, and if others don't accept it, it's their loss. Thankfully, after the grace of God, I have my husband who has been my rock through it all since it started. Now I have you. I thank God and I thank you all for such spirit. 


  • My pleasure !!! So what is your vitiligo story? When did it start?

  • welcome (:

  • Hello and Welcome !!! Glad you are here !!! :) :) :) 

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