



December 25

Relationship Status:

In a Relationship

About Me:

I'm 21 years old. I've had vitiligo since about age 10. I don't know anyone else with vitiligo and I'm just looking to find people to relate to. I'm going into my fourth year of university.

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  • Hello Jared. You appear to be a very confident individual. My name is Lena and I am launching a handbag line......"INVINCIBLE". You are probably asking yourself why I am telling you this. Originally I was only going to feature females who embody strength, courage and confidence to overcome adversities. In thinking about the word INVINCIBLE a bit further, men have great stories to share as well. Stories that unveil an amazing journey to where you are today. Please check out Redefining Beauty – A Paradigm Shift on the forum section.  The attachment on the forum was designed with the females in mind.  I really hope to hear from you because I think the females would love a pic of you on their handbag along with your story.  The stories are to raise awareness, educate and help build confidence in others.  Please contact me with any questions.  Thanks Lena


  • Hi Jared, I understand  - life can keep you busy.  Thank u for the friend invite!  Looks like you are enjoying the site!  Take care and continue to make yourself at home!!  Cawanda

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