



Houston, TX


December 20



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About Me:

I've had vitiligo since I was 11 yrs. I started using Dr walllach's youngevity products and ginko biloba and it has been helping. My pigment has been coming back. I've never known another person with vitiligo so it would be nice see how other people cope with this.

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  • Hello Jacob. You appear to be a very confident and happy individual. My name is Lena and I am launching a handbag line......"INVINCIBLE". You are probably asking yourself why I am telling you this. Originally I was only going to feature females who embody strength, courage and confidence to overcome adversities. In thinking about the word INVINCIBLE a bit further, men have great stories to share as well. Stories that unveil an amazing journey to where you are today. Please check out Redefining Beauty – A Paradigm Shift on the forum section.  I really hope to hear from you because I think the females would love a pic of you on their handbag along with your story.  I added the link to the write up.  I hope that you can view it.   It’s what I wrote for the females.  Thanks Lena mslenaann@gmail.com

  • Hello, I hope that you're enjoying the site!!!!!!!

  • Hello and Welcome !!!!! Glad you joined our group !!!!!

  • Welcome!!!
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