



Manchester, NH



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About Me:

Create your own visitor map!I'm 28,I'm capeverden. I've had vitiligo since age 12. The spots are really spreading now. I refuse to give up hope on a cure. I CAN'T live with vitiligo. Everyday i struggle with being comfortable versus never accepting it. Sadly i think i'm leaning towards never accepting it. idk i just can't shake this feeling of loss. Hopefully one day i will be free of it. HAVING THIS SITE HAS GIVEN ME SOME STRENGTH BUT ONLY TIME WILL TELL:) Lets101 - Free Online Dating Site

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  • amy mail me on aggarwal.archit@rocketmail.com

  • I've always wanted to go to the conference but I can't really afford it right now. My entire chest is white. My thighs are mostly white, my hands and feet are all white, most of my stomach is white and I have a lot of white on my bottom. It spreaded more now that I'm getting older than it did when I was a child. Hope you have fun and share the information from the conference. I'm always available to talk. And surround yourself around positive people!!;))
  • Hi Amy. Thanks for the friend request. You are so pretty! I see you've struggled with your life and vitiligo. You've had it as long as I have. I was 10 and now I'm 34. It doesn't bother me on a daily basis because I'm usually around wonderful people. I have a difficult time when I'm in a relationship and trying to be intimate. I hope to get to know more about you and stay encouraged!!!!
  • So, are you planning on coming to our VITFriends conference, let me know. We would love to pay your hotel cost for the night, so email me. vitfriends01@aol.com


  • Hello,

    Our VITFRIENDS conference is on July 30 - July 31, 2011 in Boston, MA.

    We invite you to spend the entire weekend with us, or please view the choices below to our event:

    1) You can register for the Saturday and Sunday sessions ONLY for $40.00 includes Snack/Lunch and all hand-outs. We will have a Sunday SERVICE with Rev. Perry Riley from Houston, TX and Vocalist: Lois Commodore, Recording Artist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwQUsPkopFs

    2) You can attend the BANQUET for $50.00.

    3) The COMBO - $85.00 for Registration and Banquet this offers a.$5.00 discount.

    Register NOW, as we need to turn in number for our banquet by July 15.

    RAMADA hotel - CALL directly for the VITFRIENDS room rate. Call NOW - 617-287-9100.

    Come and be informed...come for the Fun and the Fellowship! Open to the PUBLIC...with and withOUT Vitiligo.

    Come and support OUR cause...Come and learn what is happening from our Dermatologist.

    LIVE recording artist at our Banquet....PLUS: Door Prizes, Raffle, Dancing and so much more.

    PLEASE...share this information with someone else, Thanks!

    Your Vitfriends Team.

  • Hi! hope all is well with you, you are a beautiful woman, dont let this get you down, we could be much worse.:)  Stay in touch.

  • How are you my dear? We are preparing and we are getting so excited about our July 30-31, 2011 VITILIGO weekend. Hope that we will see you this year. Here are the details: http://www.vitfriends.com/newsupdates.htm
  • Illinois is HUGE I live in Chicago but the first Nena Porter I run into I'm gonna ask if she knows Amy lol IDK the world is small ;-) I hope your having a wonderful 2011
  • hey amy, how have u been?
  • Thank u
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