Has anyone experienced gray hair from vit?

My daughter is only five and has started getting gray hairs on the back of her head.  Her derm said vit can do this but ignored it mostly because his attention was on her spreading spots on her face.   But what I am curious to know if anyone else has experienced this and can anything be done?  I put some protopic on a couple days ago but it was like putting oil in her hair :(  Need another option.  She is so upset about the gray hairs, I feel like I need some advice with this one.


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  • Tracey, my daughter has gray hair on part of her eyebrow..and slightly on her hairline by her forehead, I have not done anything to hide it, we just talk about it and keep it all positive, I'd assume if you wanted to you could color her hair, if she is old enough and it is possible??  I would just keep encouraging her no matter what, the truth is that could eventually go away in her hair, there is just no telling, but some people even have birthmarks like that, how old is she if you don't mind me asking?


    • She is 6.  Her gray hairs are on her upper right eyebrow and then she has scattered grays throughout her dark auburn hair.   If her hair is down you don't notice as much but when I put them into pigtails or pony tails they stand out.  Any she just keeps getting more and more.  She hates for anyone to say anything about the gray.  She is more upset about them than the vitiligo for some reason.  She says gray is for grandma's, which is funny because I have a lot a grays and not a grandma :)  kids :)   I wasn't sure if there was any treatment for the hair, since it bothers her so much.   She has spots on her face, neck, armpit, stomach, back, and leg.  And those only bother her in the summer when you see all of them at the pool and people have to asked if she was burned.  It happens several times every year.  Any other time she handles the vitiligo pretty well.  But the grays bother her all the time :(   How is your daughter handling it all???? 

  • She continues to get more gray's.... She can't stand for anyone to notice the hair.   Her hair is a dark auburn so the white hairs really stick out.  I try to leave her hair down because when I pull it up you can see it more.   The weather is starting to warm up here in Ohio and spring is around the corner.  I dread warmer weather because she seems to get new spots. :(
    • Please give Wanakee Hill a try.. She is a (sp.) Natureopath ..  She beleives everything must be corrected from the inside out.  I just found her @ 3 weeks ago.  Its all about fixing what vit sufferers lack inside of their body.  She also has Vitiligo.  She is a real sensible and intelligent person. 

      I feel very much for people with Vit.  My son Pete has it.  Im sure some of you have seen me on here before.  I truely have no affiliation with Ms. Hill,,,, but doctors DO NOT talk about fixing people. .. Just chemical creams to try to be reactive to condition... Problem is , at least for my son,,, the patches are getting worse and they keep coming.  I am in week 2 of her NATURAL lotion and trying a few of over the counter vitamins which she suggests and fresh foods. However.. must stay regimented...,  She also talks about the proper functioning of the thyroid and other internal organs.

      Medical Doctors are great for most issues of health..for Vitiligo...the doctors we met with in regards to Vit... are CLUELESSSSSSSSS.   That includes the yee exhalted NEW YORK UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL  derms.   .

    • Thanks for the info Gene,  I will check them out although I know they are not cheap So I hope I can find a reasonable price of a Natureopath.


      My daughter grey hair patch has gotten bigger as well as the white patches on her body.

      I am most scared of the summer that is approaching.  I live in Vegas where it gets 115 degrees here and the sun is brutal!

    • I used to love the summer as well.. Now I dread it for my son Petey.

      Do yourself a favor...buy the book... Very easy reading... the lotion comes out to @  $  50 per bottle..in fact .. I bought both her book and lotion for @  $  80 .  It is @ 80  -  100 pages... The nice thing is you can communicate with her over the phone or facebook for questions and answers.

      Lotion should last  @ 1 - 1 1/2 months..  What I like most about her is that she has Vit.  and is just not trying to gain $$$$ on other peoples hopes like ive seen so many others try.  She is living proof of her concepts.  Please call me on my cell if you want to discuss,, I would love to hear from you...201 788 4564....  Gene " Rocky"  Durocher

    • thanks for the tip, as soon as I have some money to spare I will certainly check it out  =)


      I am on Facebook as well..I tried to search for you but didnt come up with anything

  • My daughter has grey hairs through the crown of her head. It started at age 3 she is now 5. She likes the grey, however i know the time will come when she doesn't my sister has found a foam hair color that is much gentler than traditional hair color so it may be easier on a child.
  • Hi, have just joined and noticed you mentioning grey hair. My daughter has grey hair that started at the back of her head when she was 7, shes now 10 and has grey through most parts, and a white stripe on the side.  We have her hair highlighted every 6 months to disguise it as much as possible as she also feels very upset about her hair. The highlights dont touch her scalp so are safe. They take a long time, but we take magazines and sweets to help with the boredom. The highlights are done to match the lightest part of her natural hair and so far no-one has noticed she has them done as they look so natural.

    Unfortunately, as she's getting older her hair is getting darker so may be more difficult. Although we're always telling her how beautiful she is, she does find it hard when kids make comment about her vit and her hair.

    I'd love to find any treatments that work.


    • Hi Lorraine,

      I am so glad to hear from you =)

      Things have gotten progressively worse for my daughter.  She now has been diagnosed with Psoriasis.  She has raised bumps all over her body. She was supposed to start the light treatment, but they decided to wait because of the breakout.

      She also now has more grey hair, but its in one spot so far.  We too, plan to highlight when she is concerned about it.   For now, she is in good spirits.

      I would love to keep in touch with you,  Do you have Facebook?  Or email me @ juiceplus4us6@yahoo.com

      talk with you soon =)

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