Almost conquered my fear!

Lately i have been looking at my face. Just thinking its almost time for me to put the make up down. The thing of it is that i know i am beautiful, but sometimes it is just not enough. Then i tell myself its time to get it together, because its coming rather i am prepared or not. Got alot of love around me, and they do accept me for me. Just scared.

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  • With Vit not being that noticable on my face I cant really relate to your fear at this time but I want to encourage you to begin to ignore the stares and looks as quickly as possible, train yourself to it, and handle yourself like the strong woman I know you are! Vent with us and I will be praying for God to be your strength! Go Girrrrl!

  • Sometimes I feel the same way!! I get tired of even putting on the makeup.  I just posted my first pic without the makeup and  that was my first step in accepting what I look like. I am taking little steps one after the other. You are beautiful and I'm hoping to learn from your strength.  

  • Hi Denise, My name is Pamela and I have had It for a long time, you know what I did I never stopped going out but I did put it on my face until I was ready, people can be cruel that's because they are ignorant to your feelings and the disease they don't know anything about it,so all they know to do is to stop and stare and whisper and I would look back at them and tell them what it was and than other times I would just ignore them. I never stopped going to clubs well that's when I was younger I am 47 now no clubs now.When you feel like makeup and when don't feel like putting it on don't,you will find that way might help you deal with it better in the public eye. LOVE YA YOUR FRIEND ALWAYS PAMELA
  • Denise, I hear you because we are beautiful people without make-up. The best part of my day is when I remove the make-up! I feel free and can see me! I will continue to wear make-up on my face when I go to work our leave the house. When I don’t have on make up, the problem I have is dealing with people who are rude, staring, pointing and acting like I’m some freak!  My hands, feet and arms have lost just about all color and I’m ok with that; but just can’t deal with my face not being covered up in public. I wish I had the strength like you to just put down the make-up and enjoy life in “my” skin no matter what it looks like. It would be a scary feeling for me to leave the house 100% make up free. Maybe later in life, but not now. 

    • That's 'cause dem womenses be threatened by your confidence.  LOL
  • I feel like you Denise, I am starting to get more patches throughout my face.  I find that it becomes more difficult to look at myself in the mirror, so I can imagine why others would have a problem.  I need to accept myself as I am.  I too developed this at a later stage in life (35), my brother (32) just started to develop it as well about a year ago.  His started on his hands just as mine did, he tends to put his hands in his pocket more than ever.  I think that if I can manage to accept our challenge, that it will help him out.  I try hard everyday.  I find it too difficult sometimes and I feel like giving up.  But to see that you are embracing yourself makes me feel ashamed and know that I too should do the same.  Keep thinking positive and positive things will return to you.
    • Good for you.  I think the difficult part when you experience Vit late in life is that it's hard explaining the change to people you know.  But those people do have an understanding of who you are.  And Vit does help you eliminate those who aren't your friend without having to use words that might get your mouth washed out with soap.
  • This photo shows it's all about who you are.  I recieved The Lifesaver Award for performing the Heimlich on a choking co-worker Do you think it mattered to him that I had Vit?
    • So impactful. Thank you for the prayer.-Julie
    • And thank you for sharing.

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