
    • I have been to Deadsea to the clinic link above ..I got amazing result but I lost some of it after few monthes works bu you have to do it again and again...the secreat is the sun.

      It is the same clima dead sea tratment method in Isreal and Jordan.

      cheaper in Jordan.

      • I am originally from Israel, so I am very familiar with the place and the climate. The secret is NOT the sun. The sun that shines there is the same sun that shines anywhere else on Planet Earth. The most unique thing about the Dead Sea is the minerals in the water and the mud. These have been deposited there for millions of years and are very unique.

        • Dear FiringD are right the sea has 22 more minirals than any other sea , but the most importaant in vitiligo treatment is getting sun on Deadsea ..since it is the lowest poin on earth the uv is weaker and sutable to stimulate the melanocites.

          Achually it is the combnation of sun and invironment...the mud is not advised to vitiligo .I repigmented with out mud and many others .the pigment continue in a couple of monthes and when winter comes --it started to fade away.I haven`t lost all pigment is like uvb treatment ..when you stop the treatment you keep some and some fade away. for some ppl it works the whole way ...I will try it again may be end of this sommer and will let you know

          DS treatment has to be only 3-5 weeks.

          It is worth to try,

      • Good to know that its not a permanent treatment. That's a lot of money to drop (coming from America) on something that isn't going to last...  

  • I posted a link about a week ago about this on facebook, I think its amazing! I heard you usually stay for about a month, could be a pricey trip but with a great reward :) 

  • Yes I'm planning to go sometime this year or next.
    • You don't have to go there to experience the benefits of the minerals. There are products made in Israel (I used to live there) that are sold all over the world. One brand is called "Ahava", but there are others too. However, I must say, I have never heard of Dead Sea minerals or the Dead Sea for that matter benefiting Vitiligo. Usually, the Dead Sea treatments are related to infectious diseases -- and as you know, Vitiligo isn't.

      • How do you replicate the sun rays specific to the Dead Sea?

  • I've heard of some people from the USA who have gone there and had great repigmentation.  I think it is not well known or used by Americans because of the distance and expense. Are you thinking of going?

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