Vitiligo and Vitamin supplement confusion, pls help?

I want to know what vitamin supplement should I take for vitiligo. Some say B12 and folic acid (B9), others say zinc, copper, vitamin D etc.

1.Should I take all together. If so, in WHAT quantity ?
2. and how do I know I have deficiency in these vitamins. Should I get my blood tested for the deficiency check?
3.How long should I take these vitamins?

In a study of people with vitiligo, supplementation with folic acid (10 mg. per day) and vitamin B12 (2,000 mcg. per day), combined with sun exposure, was effective. But folic acid in 10mg is not available in my country and B12 is available only in 1000 mcg Injection . What should I do now?
Please help somebody

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  • Blood tests do not show alot of things . 

    For minerals deficit you must take hair test ...LOL but then your doc is going to find out that you are a coke head :D :D 

    • Funny haha
      • where can you get hair analysis done and is it accurate?  are there any vitamins that cater to people with vitiligo.  wish I could figure out the underlying cause.

        Its a cat and mouse chase.  try this....but still new spots are appearing then try something else.  there should be a ctr that has comprehensive treatments....with allopathic and homeopathic.  can be very frustrating.  

        a lot of people do believe that using vitamins is a waste of money and you are peeing out the supplements.  I def. believe that eating a wide variety foods might be the best arsenal....again it might not cure or stop the progression of vitiligo...however it might cure!

  • Hi Tanvir,

    If you decide to take supplements, you should take vitamin B12 and folic acid together in a 1:1 ratio.  B12 and Folic acid need each other. Taking one alone can deplete the supply of the other.  They are both water soluable vitamins – any excess is excreted.


    • Thanx Audrey, what do u mean by 1:1 ratio ? as I have already said vitamin B12 is the only vitamin in B complex which is not water soluble, means body can store them. Pls google it.

      • Vitamin B12 is water soluble.  Because a vitamin is water soluble does not mean the body cannot absorb them.  Fat soluble vitamins are stored in body tissue.

      • 1:1 ratio means you should take the same amount of the both.  For example, if you take 1 mg folic acid, you should also take 1 mg Vitamin B12.  If you want, I can look them up the science on this.

      • vit b12 is water soluble!

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