Treatment options?????

I was diagnosed with vitiligo in 1988 at the age of 10. I received one type of treatment in the form of a skin dye that was used for maybe two weeks until I decided to quit the treatment because I felt it was not helping. My vitiligo progressed through the years at a rather slow but noticible speed. I got married in 2003 and it quickly began to spread more afterwards. In 2009 I became suddenly I'll and wasn't able to eat anything other than turkey slices for about 10 months. I was seeing an endocrinologist once a month several miles away doing blood work and other labs. They diagnosed me with parathyroidism, and just said I had an autoimmune deficiency and put me on vitamin d and said spend more time in the sun. My body continued to feel more and more week by the day. I was fed up with driving to these appointments and missing work so I asked my doctor to send me to another doctor. I went to a new doctor the next week and immediately they found what the problem was. I had a thyroid tumor that was causing me to feel so bad for ten months and they removed it the next week. I've felt great since. I read that this is very common in people with vitiligo and for some reason, not many doctors know that. I have no desire to receive any treatment for my vitiligo at this time. I'm not very happy with having to live this way but I'm ok with it. I get the stares and whispers like all of you and I hate it! I'm able to deal with it and never get angry. I am very interested in knowing about a gauranteed cure and possibly recieving treatment then but it's not on the top of my to-do list. I am most concerned right now about spreading awareness and then secondly affordable treatment options for those that desire it. And most importantly, just love the skin you're in!!!!!

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  • I kno that for a long time after having my 2nd child, I grew more and more weak. I had them check my thyroid and they said it was normal. And by this time the weakness is getting worse. I feel I could sleep all day if I could. And no its not depression..that's the first thing they wanna say. But I think its deeper than that. Because even when my mood is generally happy I still feel very weak.
    • That's how I felt, Amy. I have no children but those are the symptoms. I used to go to restaurants with my family and have a big appetite and then when the food was ready, I couldn't even eat it. Get it checked out. 
  • Karen,
    I found myself taking deep breaths and long exhales while reading your post. You are a beautiful soul. I am so glad they found your thyroid tumor and the source of so much discomfort. Good for you for being committed to yourself and requesting a new doctor. Unfortunately, I do not know of any 'sure' treatments for vitiligo. UVB has been working to repigment, but I have been acquiring new spots at the same time. I feel proud to have you by my side in raising awareness for vitiligo. Treatments 3 times a week with limited progress are wearing on me as well. Honestly I would have stopped already if I wasn't concerned I would lose pigment all over my body like my father did. Doing something to treat it makes me feel better when it spreads. I feel like I know it's not my fault because I am doing everything I can. It is just the way I am and I can love myself through it. Thank you for accepting yourself. I believe the world needs more people like yourself.
    • Thanks. I'm glad you've seem some progress! I didn't mention that I have a twin sister that has only a quarter sized spot of vitiligo on her stomach:) but I love knowing what I should "look like" :)) She's actually standing right beside me in the pic I posted the other day. But other than that, I'm the only one that we know of in my family that's been affected. And my sister has had that one spot for many many years! Feel free to talk anytime!
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