This is strange to me

I can see vit on other people and think nothing of it..just see them as beautiful people seeing them for who they are. but when I see vit on myself  I veiw it as the worse thing in the world. I guess because its on me. I want to be able to view my vit the same way as I do on others. Just a thought cuz I saw a woman with vit the other day and I was like oh well she has vit and went about my biz. Idk..just sharing

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  • When I see someone, I feel better that Im not alone...hehe..

    This one on me has affected my life a lot.

    • We have a saying here " there is no pain of others " i do not care if someone had Viti or horns on their head or anything , but i wanted my face back , fuk the world i want my face back . I was walking the streets and seeing every damn looser and dip shit having normal face ... fuk them ... i want my face back ... And i made it ... i got it back ... Now and only now i understand people ... before i was always fuk them - the weakest must die . That kind of thinking . Now i know that you can become the weakest at every monet .. so sut up and never cry about that you are not a daughter of millionaire ... its the only life you have so live it ..

      • thts fantastic Andrey ,,,,,,,,,i liked it

        • I would always refuse to do what i didnt want to do since my early teens . With Viti i would tell myself like 300 times a day - i will not live like that , there is no way you will mess my face , i will spend the rest of my life reading everything i can find about Viti and i will find it . When you loose your legs in a car crash then yes you aint getting them back , but when some grabage like Viti happens - there must be cure ... Othervise we would all be walking with Viti long ago . 

          Only now i realize that i was blessed by nature to have sucha a beautiful face ... perfect . Will never bedmouth my life ... ever . 

          • yes  !!!I  I buy ur point !!!! we must fight back,,,,there is nothing on earth as impossible,,only thing is we must search it , adapt, do some R&D,,,,take it as a challenge ,,,

            • I think a cure is just around the corner. There seems to be more and more people with Vit joining Vitiligo forums which can only be a good thing as not only can we share the positive & the negative of Vit we are talking and one day together we will come up with a cure.
  • Idk why but as they say the most hardest critic is yourself
  • For one thing it is not "on" you and yes I feel the same way, Why are we so critical of ourselves with this condition? 

  • Thank you for all the comments and I am glad to know that others feel the way I do.  I thought something was wrong with me lol but as I get older I am not really bothered by my vit as much and I am learning to accept who I am.  And concerning that dating expert thats no expert..the best advice is to be yourself and be the best you, you can be. No matter if you have vit or not the only thing that is important is to find a person who wants to take the time to get to know you as a person and accept you vit and all, it may take longer but its not impossible..I wish everyone the best :)

  • u r right ...even me same feeling,,,,i saw a lady in bus stop the other day,,,,i felt oh k,,,she has,,,but on me,,,its worst,,,shitty ,,,,,

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