Hiya, i am going  on Holiday  and  i  would  like  to know  which is the best sunscreen to  buy. Looking for water resistant and  i have dark skin, so  i would  need 50+.  I have never used sunscreen before, but since  i have vitiligo on my lips, i have been told to use it. Any suggestion would be  very helpful. Since i  have had it on my lips, i don't even eat out with friends, because the concealer doesn't stay on long enough,  when i am eating.  Would be nice to find  something that doesn't rub on, instead of me reapplying after  every  meal when i  go  out.

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  • I'd love to know a long lasting sun screen, especially waterproof because I swim in Lake Michigan in the summer.

  • Hi :) 

    I have been advised to use sunscreens with 'Helioplex' The brand I use is Neutrogena. I think its more broad spectrum than others?  

    Jess :) 

    • Wow I was just going to post a new thread on this topic and I see one was just posted.

      I would also like to be sure what to get.

      Jessica, I was also told to get Helioplex. I was about to get it but two things:

      1) There are so darn many Neutrogena types I can't even figure out which one to get. It seems like there are 100 of them!

      2) I keep hearing this Neutrogena Helioplex leaves white streaks all over.

      Can you give me some thoughts on this? And anyone else also.

      • Hi there,
        I just got the Neutrogena Helioplex spf 100 and am only using it on my spots. I have the dry application one and I am loving it. I have not noticed any white steaks, but I did notice that it may leave some white in the crease of my nail bed if I'm not careful. Hope that helps. I put it on sparingly. No white streaks yet!
        • Thanks.I got some too, but lower SPF just cause that's what the store had. Tried it today and don't seem to have any problem with it so fware.

  • Thankyou for the advice Bamsegutt, i am glad you told me about the ingredient to avoid. I wasn't aware sunscreens had these ingredient, now i am  aware.

    Thanks once again.

    • I forget to tell you one of the main bad ingridient for vitiligo which can couse more freeradicals is called  "Benzophenones"

  • Hey..don`t worry long as you exposed to sun gradually it is not problem..moderate sun is good ,If you are afreid not to burn use sunscreen spf 15 to 50 out that it shouldn`t contain some ingridents which has depiging agents,these are

    Monobenzylether,Hydroquinone (MBEH)    and  4-tertiary butyl phenol (4-TBP) avoid this chemichals.

    About your lip permanent make up is a good solution ,there are many who do it even regular womens do that not to use lipstic every day. it is a kind of tatto called micropigmentation.You can do it as longa as ur vitiligo on lip is stable.

    Good luck and Happy holyday!

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