
i'm 34 and i have 3 older sibilings who have vitiligo on their hands and legs. but one has it on their face and i'm afraid thats where i will develop as well, i can see small patches already. i hear that if you traet early you can stop it is this true. and what is the treatment? if any i have so many questions

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  • You can take vitamins to try and help stop progression, but mostly avoid stress as this is a big trigger. See a dermatologist for creams or ultraviolet type treatments. Unfortunately there is no real cure yet :( but being on this site has helped me understand vit better along with having great support network. There are also different types of vitiligo - search segmental and non segmental. Early treatment is a great idea, everyone responds differently to treatments so good luck on the journey to discovering what helps you :)
    • thank you, this is very stressful to go through. its hard to be positive when you know you wil look different than the average person. everyone staring wondering whats wrong with you or if its contagous. this is the only thing ive been able to think about and im just very depressed and disappointed. that this is what i have to look foward too.
  • For face there is PROTOPIC ointment .

    But for me Tyrosine + vitamin B6 + Folic acid ... worked wonders . 

    • how do i get that?


      • LOL you buy that :D Tyrosine at sport supplement store and vitamins at drug store :) at least thats what i do :D 

        And about PROTOPIC ask your doctor or at the drug store . 

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