Protopic / Tacrolimus cream users review

After other creams not working my dermatologist has now prescribed Tacrolimus (protopic) - which is apparently not commonly used in Australia...I even had to find a 'compounding pharmacy' so they could especially prepare this for me - expensive too, so I want to make sure I use it correctly :) 

I was just looking for feedback on how to best use the cream, and if people have seen improvements which part of the body did it work best on? What are the side effects? How long did it take to see improvements? And mostly, when you stopped using it did your vit come back worse? 

The areas I want to try are under my arms, hands (although i dont know if this is worth trying as i hear its the hardest area to repigment), and also my eyelids - anyone have experience with using it on the face?

Thanks, Jess :)

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  • Thanks to you all for sharing your experiences :) Much better advice than any doctor could give me! Especially considering my prescription came without instructions and I was not informed about the side effects with alcohol, at least now i know what to expect 

  • owch! ok so no more alcohol for me! what a shitty side effect! Lol! Thanks for the heads up everyone :) 

    @ Amanda, did you stop using it once you re-pigmented or do you have to keep using it? 

    • I don't use it at often as I used to because my face still has a few spots I need to work on. I also stopped using it as often because I simply can't afford to buy more. However, I feel like my repigmented spots will not fade.

    • ok well being a Brit and so wedded to alcohol I did both! Yes it burnt and I went really red and hot for a few days but that did stop after a while and I happily drank white wine whilst applying the 0.1% at night for about 9 months. I am sure giving up alcohol is the healthier way of doing it but I have given up so many things that wine was a step too far for me!!! Good luck

  • My Protopic only worked on my face, but it did a great job. And just like someone else posted, I would avoid alcohol. Even if I plan to drink I will skip my Protopic and my face is still on fire. It burns/stings.

  • Thanks Nadika and Douglas :) I wasnt aware that it works best on the face, so i should try that. I guess i just worry that if it gets red on my face i will look horrible in the meantime - and i do like alcohol ;) But if it works then its worth it really!


    The strength i have been given is the lower does i think 0.03% Should it be applied once or twice a day? Anyone know if i can still put my cover up make up on after applying it?

    • Douglas is right !!!!!!!! Protopic + drinking alcohol is a very bad idea !!!!!!! You can start with the lower strength and if possible go to the higher one. Apply twice a day. If you need to apply make up - wait at least 45 mins before you do. Good luck !!!   

  • Hi Jess,

       I haven't used it but from the info i've read apparently Protopic works just about everywhere but seems to work the best on the face.  Also, you make experience some redness or "hive" like symptoms if you drink alcohol(beer specifically i believe) while you are using the cream. One other note...there is a very small chance you could get a rare type of luekemia from it but the chances are very small. I wanted to try it on my segmental vit on my face but in the end decided against it after considering the risks, as small as they are, of getting sick. Hope all goes well...cheers!


    with best regards...Doug : )

  • Protopic is best for vitiligo on the face. After 3 months - you should see some improvement. There are no side effects - as it is not a steroid based cream. A little early morning sunbathing will compliment the healing too! Good luck!  

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