
If you are using Protopic or have used it in the past, what is the longest period of time you have used it for? My son has been using since April and it is working great! Wondering how long we can continue to use it? TIA

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  • Thanks so much Nathan!! It definitely took a while to see results, but I am so glad we have stuck with it! I hope to continue to see results! So good to know we can stay on it for a long time!! Congrats on your daughters repigmentation. That is awesome news! We have yet to see a response on the ankles, so it is good to know we may see results one day! His kness look awesome! Please keep me posted with your results. Has your daughter gotten many new spots? Thanks again!
    • Thanks for your nice note.  Yes, we are pretty happy with what Protopic has done to our child. We simply believed our Derm and his judgement.  Of course, the medicine, Protopic. It does work on Ankle. 


      Regarding your question on new spots, not very many came luckily.  Vit showed up as 1 or 2 spots on the knees.  We always hit those new spots with protopic, the moment we saw them.  Basically, NEVER gave a chance for those spots to furthen expand.  Application of Protopic and observing for spots, takes a lot of discipline.  We could handle it because, there is nothing more important to us than helping our child, participarly when the medicine is working.    continued Good Luck..

      • One more question. Do you continue to apply Protopic to the areas that have repigmented? Thnaks!
        • We typically, taper it gradually.  and Stop after few months. 


          Hence, the anser is NO (after gradual tapering).



  • So glad to know about your positive experience with Protopic.  I am probably the biggest advocate of protopic in this forum for the past 3 plus years.  We are using it for 4 years with no issues.  Feel free to search this forum for previous posts.  

    For my daughter (who is currently aged 10.5 years old), protopic worked well.  First on face, then knees, elbows etc.  However, ankle took for ever.  Almost one year, probably 90% gone. Now, working on toes.  In general, Protopic does not work very well in the bony areas, because, there are no hair folecules, which act as conducts for pigment carrying purposes.  

    Our Derm always says, you can use protopic for next 100 years every day.

    Good Luck ! 



  • Thanks so much Lia. Please let me know how the tests turn out!!
  • ciao Christie, we've got the same answer as william on protopic ie it can be used for as long as necessary. the only risk is that a prolonged usage leads to the body building immunity to it and then it would loose its effects. But so far it hasn't happened a lot. Also i was explained that even if the blood test says the our kids are not cyliacs (ie "allergic" to gluten) doesn't mean the body reaction is not there. He explained that when it comes out the blood test means that the damage to the body has been done. he suggested we do a genetic test to test gluten and lactose, which in europe is free but i don't know in us. He said that when the vitiligo is accompanied by some form of atopic dermatities it is very likely that there is some inflammatory process related to other factors. we'll do all the tests after christmas and let you guys know if something comes out.

  • Thanks William!! That is good news! We see our derm in a few weeks, hopefully he will have the same opinion! Glad it is working for you too!
    • I was never given a time limit on use, I did however see skin texture change, it seemed to thin the skin..

  • Christie, I just had my Dermatologist appt and asked him the same question as I have seen good results from Protopic and was concerned about how long I could use, he said I can use it for as long as I want not to worry about any side effects and he was glad that it was helping. I am sooo glad to hear it is helping your son!!! Keep using and enjoy the results!!!!:):) This was my Derms. opinion but wanted to share with you!

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