
Hi, has anyone had any repigment using the phototherapy lights? I'm considering purchasing one for my daughter. I would appreciate the feedback. Thanks:)

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  • Hi,

    We have had success with phototherapy.  My daughter (14) has spots on her forehead and eyelid.  The spots were milky white but are almost unnoticeable now.  We did the light treatment 2X/week to start but now it's 1X week--about 9 months total now.   There is some hyperpigmentation on her eyelid but it's not bad.  It has worked well for us--hope that helps you! 


  • I have a handheld UVB light.  I use protopic and the UVB light and have repigmented all but 1 spot on my legs.  It hasn't worked on bony area (feet, hands).  I bought the machine from someone on ebay that happen to live right in my state, she had it for psoraisis.  My primary doctor wrote me a prescription for the light bulb when it burned out.  My dermatologist refused to write the srcipt, she didnt want to be held responsible for me using it wrong (burning).  I have moved to another state and my derm Dr. said he would write me a script for a new bulb anytime I wanted it.

    For me, diet has no effect on my spots.  I once accidently burned my arm with an iron and the red mark from the burn came back pigmented.I have the most stress in my life ever right now and so far no new spots, unless it has a wait period before it decides to appear..  Mine seem to be more seasonal.  I have been using a soap (name isnt' coming to me, but it is what is in selsum blue shampoo) and have not had any new spots since using it, but right when i think I might have it figured out it throws a wrench in it.

    has anyone had their ANA (autoimmune) levels checked?.  Mine are positive, which is kind of a duh, but Dr.s didn't think vitiligio would be the reason for it?

  • I have been using UVB handheld by Daavlin since late October, I have just stated seeing freckling and some areas seem to have the freckles connecting. However, looking at an old photo the year before, I have realized that the vitiligo has been narrowing also. Though because I see my face every day I just hadn't noticed how much it had been thinning. The edges look like there have been "bites" of pigmentation that have been growing inward.
    • That's great to hear.  I think we're going to go with that company too:)

    • Did you have your dermatologist "prescribe" this and did  your insurance company help with the cost?  About how much did it run?  Thanks for the info!

      • Hi Jen!! Yes you can use the light on the face, you just eed to be careful to keep the eyes covered. Our derm prescribed a certain one and yes our insurance covered their part. They initially denied, but we fought it and won. Without insurance, ours was about $600. Good luck!!
        • Thanks so much Christie!  I really appreciate it!  Can you share what brand it is?  If you want to send a private message that's fine too.  Thanks again!

          • Our physician prescribed a unit from National Biological called the Dermalume 2x. His trunk repigmented in a couple of months. We are praying that his feet and knees will eventually see results. I will say that it is a big time committment if there are a lot of spots because you slowly have to build up time. I hear it works great for the face! Good luck!
            • The machine that we're going to purchase is on a stand, it weighs about 10 lbs.  I was told that you start out for about 15 sec on each area, 3x's a week. 

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