Hey everyone, just found this vitiligo friends site, pretty koo indeed :) anywho, i was just wondering, when i was about eeh 3 or 4 i was diagnosed with vitiligo, i had a large amount of it on my face, by my eyes lips and all, it was also on my feet, my finger tips, hands, hips, and my knees. and i know when someone has vitiligo, it is supposed to spread, but as time went by and i became older, i noticed the white patches faded away, everywhere but my lips and hips, my family says it's a miracle, and it's funny when people that have or are related to others with vitiligo because they will come to me and say things like  "oh honey, you poor thing, i know  doctor that can help it go away" and im like what? haha but i let it go, anyways i was just wondering if anyone else out there is experiencing the whole "reverse affect" of vitiligo like me, because i've never seen anyone or talked to anyone who has the same thing goin on, so yeah, whats up? lol <:)

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  • Interesting. My vitiligo has been stable for years no better, no worse. I pretty much changed to a gluten free diet 18 months ago... Not specifically for vitiligo. I've learned to live with that a long time ago. I also started a regular running routine a few months ago. Now, I have noticed my knees are starting to have return of pigment. Maybe due to the running? Not sure, but it is interesting....
    • Most likely the gluten. Food intolerances and allergies have been known to aggravate and even cause vitiligo for some people. Gluten is a big one, and many people have repigmented by eliminating it from their diet. Unfortunately it didn't work that way for me, and I am still searching for the cause/trigger of my vitiligo. 

      That's why it's so hard to treat vitiligo, because everyone is different. We all have different sensitivities and stresses...so it can't be narrowed down to one "cause" that fits everyone. 

  • I also repigmented without doing anything but be in the sun and take vitamins. my legs fully cured and i got freckles all over and theyve stayed that way for years and slowly fill in.. this all happened when i was 19-20 and im 23 now. i got vit when i was 3-5 yrs old

  • you know, im beginning to think its an age thing... i got mine when i was 3 also, and its basically all gone away, except for the very first patch that showed up, on my ankle, and a few dots on my knees. a few other people i met who got it when they were 3 or 4 also said theirs became smaller over the years.....
  • Hi Adrienne,

    My daughter, who is 5, has just been diagnosed with vitiligo.  I am so happy to hear your story.  What was it like growing up with it?  And when did it go away?  Did you do the vitamin B12 thing?  cocoa butter?  grape seed?  I've been reading about all sorts of alternative cures-- I'd love to hear your story.  My daughter is african american, fairly dark complexioned.

    Thanks for sharing!

    • hey :)  thanks for enjoying my story :) well when i was little, i was super shy, people would definitely stare and everything, and i was diagnosed around the age of 2 or 3, it went away when i was about 8, 9 or 10, when i was 11 all i had was on my lip, and now im 16 and my lip spot used to be bigger, but now it's just ..well on my lip lol, i cant really explain it, but it looks like i just have lipstick on lol, and i've gained more confidence indeed, my friends don't even notice, ha i don't even notice it anymore! :)  when i was younger my mom would put cocoa butter on me and what not,we didn't do the B12 thing, i just grew up a regular fish stick eating child x) and what is the grape seed process?  i actually didn't take any medicine as a child, i just got regular check ups and common colds lol. and i was diagnosed with psoriasis a couple months ago, which is associated with vitiligo. it's possible your daughter could get it, but i wouldn't worry too much, i mean it can be really itchy and horrible after taking a shower and what not plus it can burn, i have it on my face and my neck but other wise i can still live my life :) and actually when i was younger i had moments where i would hate it and research for a cure, but i've learned to actually like it, it makes me unique and i enjoy standing out in my awesome group of friends :) i hope your daughter takes it as a positive thing like i did :)
      • You sound like an amazing person!  I am so new to this whole thing, but as far as I know, it is pretty rare for it to go away.  I would imagine your positive attitude and upbeat approach to life (which my daughter definitely has as well) has helped the healing process for you.  Thanks for writing, and for sharing your story!
  • my vitiligo which is actually segmental (my right side) also reversed itself and is all gone now including my lips but a small part on my chest. im not sure if it was just natural or due to the many many traditional or herbal remedies i got from people and tried. and interestingly enough the reversal only started after i had given up on trying stuff and accepted it.
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