Hello Amazing People!

I just want to start out by saying I want to thank everyone that connected with me and helped me out with this article. I want to thank everyone that opened up to me and told me their stories. I want to thank everyone that gave me insights and pointers on what to include in the article. Sorry, I couldn’t include every single topic because of my limited word count. If I ever write another article, I will try to cover the other topics I wasn’t able to cover in this article.


I had originally formatted it documentary style, but the editors switched it to a news article. In the process, a lot of my information got cut out, which sucks because they took out information I thought was really important.


I really hope this article can help this wonderful community and make a difference in society.


PLEASE SHARE IT with your friends, family, doctors, social media outlets…so we can bring vitiligo awareness.


Here is the link to the article: http://www.elnuevosol.net/reportajes/deeper-than-skin-inside-the-world-of-vitiligo-patients


Here is the link to the video I did to go along with my article: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e25XKTNmKv4

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  • Great article!  As the Executive Assistant for the National Vitiligo Foundation, I would love for this article to get the attention it deserves.  I have shared it on the National Vitiligo Foundation's facebook page. If you publish anything else in the future please let me know. erin@nvfi.org



    This article and the video are absolutely great. Thank you for doing this. This will help educate many people and increase awareness in general. They are well done and you managed to focus on the important issues effecting us without making us look needy, and without overwhelming the reader/viewer with too much 'technical' details.

    I have already e-mailed the links to family members.

    Thanks again and God bless you!

  • Naomi. Bravo. 
    God bless you for writing this. 
  • Nice job!  I'm so glad you brought out the psychological aspect.  In the future (and I hope you do write more!), I hope you'll consider pointing people to this network since that's one of the great benefits of this kind of support community.

  • Congratulations Naomi for getting that article published!

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