losing your identity:(

Does any one of color or a nationality have some kind of hatred towards vitiligo for robbing u of culture. I am of capeverdean des..and if I didn't have vitiligo everyone could plainly see. But now I will be mistaken for mixed or white. Kinda frustrating. And I feel a sense of myself gone. Anyone else feel this way.

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  • Whew. That's real. I know there are plenty of people on this site who can relate. Find people of color and send them messages or post in the African Americans with vitiligo group. I am half Italian and half Swedish. The darker features won so I look Italian. My dad (Swedish) has vitiligo and a strong family history of vitiligo so it has actually brought more of a connection to that side than I had previously. Now I look like my mom AND my dad.

    Again, you are not alone in feeling this way. I have heard many people speak of the complexities involved in changing color and how their race is perceived. You can find them on this site. Good luck!
  • A diamond can't be mad because it's no longer a rock.  You are gaining an identity, not loosing one, don't be frustrated. 

    • thats one way to look at it..thank u

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