just a tip.

Stress is been kind of related with viti and I would suggest to exercise at least 30 to 45 min a day or at least everyother day. I did not want to go for months because I have some spots on my face, elbows and hands. i just hide a little some of the spots and decide to go to the gym. My MAIN concern was that I always thought people would be looking at me but THAT DOES NOT HAPPEN. Once you start exercising no one cares about other people. The bottom line is GO and exercise to the gym, get to the tredmill and run for 30 min, after that you will be relaxed.

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  • Reducing stress is important, yet often easier said than done...life is unpredictable! Exercise and weight loss are important, I have noticed vit spreading during times of weight gain. Recently a naturopath told me that if I loose 10kg then it would reduce the stress I'm putting on my body and its immune response.

    Also I just wanted to point out about depression....this can be a vicious cycle for those with vitiligo due to the feelings of self confidence.be positive guys, we are all in the same situation and here to support one another!! Jess
    • those are great point Jess,

      I got seriuosly tired and stressed of hidding myself. I have a three year old boy who wants to be outdoors, go to the pool, have playdates and I just cannot give all these responsibilities to my wife. So, i decided to use some caumoflage for the white spots in my face and my arms and go out with my kid and also exercise. Feels great to exercise 30 to 45 minutes a day and be less stressed specially when you have a toddler in your life and dedice to get back to graduate school.


      I hate the amount of time i "waste " hidding the white patches in my face but It is what it is. let's all be positive and

      support one another.





    • I would be depressed at the moment if not the supplements im using right now , they work like glass ceiling - i know there are bad things both in the past and in present , but i just feel good . Without amino acids i would feel exhausted all the time and miserable . 

      Fixing all your teeth also works wonders , even one cavity is capable to put such a massive attack on your body with all the bacteria in your mouth , cause it all goes into your blood .

  • Jesus , you are lucky you are one good looking bastard :D but others just do not want to mix with other people , so excercising at home is the same , get some little weights and do some shadow boxing . Will be quick and useful . LOL though get a mouth piece too in order not to smash off your own teeth :) . 

    I hate gyms cause i hate people in general , i have all the weights and equipment at home .

    • Then lock yourself in your closet and don't get out. That will probably help you.

      • Ohh Jesusito is angry :D LOL people are not looking at you when you can see them doing it , but when you aint lookin they say to eachother " what a freak " :D :D 

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