Today while getting my pedicure, the pedicurist went to give me my usual foot/leg massage, however, this time she whipped out some lemons... squeezed the juice in her hand and rubbed it all over my legs and feet.  It was magnificent!!!  But... it had me thinking... What's with the Juice of fresh squeezed lemons?  Why did she do that?  So while getting my foot massage I looked up in the browser of my phone "What are the benefits of lemon juice rubbed on your skin???  To my surprise many different beauty remedies popped up but what stuck out the most is that lemon juice is a natural skin lightener.  Now I'm not saying we should all run out and douse ourselves in lemon juice, but just maybe rubbing lemon juice on our skin will help to lighten the pigmented skin therefore making it a little more blendable with our non-pigmented skin.  Just a thought :)


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  • i was told by someone, that using the lemon skin into a bottle with alcohol its good for viti. you had to rubbed into your skin and take some sun.  

  • It has papaya as its main ingredient, not really citrus-like smelling.
  • Really?  very interesting :)  By any chance and just curious... Does it smell like citrus? lemons in particular?

  • Side note to that: in the summer I use "likas" soap. It is a natural skin lightening soap :) like 4$ and it smells nice too :)
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