I'm pretty sure it did mine. I have always slept like a log but during the time my vit started I was completely restless at night. I'd go to sleep for a little while and wake up soon after still stressing over the issue I was facing...
My Vitiligo started when I was 5y.o. At this time my parents were getting a divorce, I dont remember much but I have been told that the stress of that happening may have contributed to my Vit (mine is also hereditry- they say i must have had the gene passed onto me- but all it took was a stressful event to make it show up?). My Vit has not changed in years - but recently it has spread, and stress may be contributing as I have been in a stressful job
After taking voluntary redundancy from a management position in a global business, I moved to a job with some challenging personal relationships. I found myself in direct confrontation with the CEO and did not feel liked, trusted or respected. That's when my hair went white, in a few months. Coincidence or not, my one anecdote proves nothing. However, many case histories, compared systematically, could shed some light on the relationship between stressful situations and sudden increases in depigmentation.
I'm not convinced that stress is related - I was diagnosed really young, but really don't think I had a lot of stress until my teen years. Most of my treatment was done before that period in time, and the spread of new spots after that honestly doesn't appear to me as related to events in my life. I had new spots after going to the tanning salon to prepare for a trip to the Carribean in winter in places that don't generally see a whole lot of sun. I would think that if there was a stress indicator for me, I would have had new spots following some of the more stressful events of the past few years, and that really hasn't been the case. I think this is still up in the air because the Medical community still doesn't totally understand Vitiligo or what causes it.
They say stress causes vit. it's frustrating because they really don't know what really causes it....no one in my family has vitiligo..but i am the lucky duck who got it....and stress who isn't stressed out these days? I think vit is frustrating because there really isn't a specific diet like some conditions......we are all just left to try things and see if they work...they need to find us some answers in research!
Hi everyone, im from Argentina, i can tell that my vit started when I was starting my high school...it was so stressfull 'cause i always was the first one in class, studied a lot and i felt nervous all the time...
I had the vit for 11 years...I'm 23 years old right now and i discovered a doctor member in ASPAVIT (Vitiligo Pacients association) and im in a treatment since APRIL 2011....just 5 months in this treatment with phototherapy at first 3 days a week, then 2 days a week I started with few minutes, then the doctor saw my improvement and I started to take 3 minutes....
IM ALMOST CURED!!! =) in 5 months i have 80% repigmented it's a miracle because i tried (like most of you) with almost every product tha doctors tell me.......i think it's nice to share experiences and know i'm not the only one who have vit.
Hi Paul, well I didn't need to appy any product before.... just at first, (because I didn't try with any treatment during 6 years) when i took phototerapy my skin turned a little pink but it was normal because my skin was not used to.......so after the phototherapy i apply a nourishing cream because I want to...
that's all.... and you...what kind of treatment do you follow right now?....
I'm pretty sure it did mine. I have always slept like a log but during the time my vit started I was completely restless at night. I'd go to sleep for a little while and wake up soon after still stressing over the issue I was facing...
My Vitiligo started when I was 5y.o. At this time my parents were getting a divorce, I dont remember much but I have been told that the stress of that happening may have contributed to my Vit (mine is also hereditry- they say i must have had the gene passed onto me- but all it took was a stressful event to make it show up?). My Vit has not changed in years - but recently it has spread, and stress may be contributing as I have been in a stressful job
They say stress causes vit. it's frustrating because they really don't know what really causes it....no one in my family has vitiligo..but i am the lucky duck who got it....and stress who isn't stressed out these days? I think vit is frustrating because there really isn't a specific diet like some conditions......we are all just left to try things and see if they work...they need to find us some answers in research!
Hi everyone, im from Argentina, i can tell that my vit started when I was starting my high school...it was so stressfull 'cause i always was the first one in class, studied a lot and i felt nervous all the time...
I had the vit for 11 years...I'm 23 years old right now and i discovered a doctor member in ASPAVIT (Vitiligo Pacients association) and im in a treatment since APRIL 2011....just 5 months in this treatment with phototherapy at first 3 days a week, then 2 days a week I started with few minutes, then the doctor saw my improvement and I started to take 3 minutes....
IM ALMOST CURED!!! =) in 5 months i have 80% repigmented it's a miracle because i tried (like most of you) with almost every product tha doctors tell me.......i think it's nice to share experiences and know i'm not the only one who have vit.
Hi Agustina
Tks for the info.........but did you apply any cream or oinment b4 or the day you did not have your phototherapy...tks
Hi Paul, well I didn't need to appy any product before.... just at first, (because I didn't try with any treatment during 6 years) when i took phototerapy my skin turned a little pink but it was normal because my skin was not used to.......so after the phototherapy i apply a nourishing cream because I want to...
that's all.... and you...what kind of treatment do you follow right now?....