Immune System strong or weak?

I know that vitiligo is said to be an auto immune disorder, can anyone explain if this would mean our immune system is strong or weak? Is it strong because its in overdrive and killing pigmentation cells, or does it mean its weak because the immune system attacks the wrong things in our body. Are we more likely to get sick easier?

In the past when I get a cold I get really bad and always need antibiotics - which I hate taking because I notice vit spreads when using antibiotics for long periods of time ( anyone else find this, or know why it would happen?) 

The reason I'm asking is because I work with vulnerable people and there have been some recent contagious viruses - the employer expressed particular caution to those who have a suppressed or weak immune not sure how worried I need to be! Are me more at risk???

Thanks :) 

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  • This is a hard question to answer, but generally when someone has an autoimmune disorder one part of the immune system is weak while the other is overactive. The immune system should remain balanced. We tend to think of it as one thing, but in reality the immune system is actually made up of different parts. For example, there is T1 and T2, and different autoimmune disorders are usually dominant with one or the other (though it can be a mixture).

    Here is a good article on the subject:

  • i was using black seed oil and tumeric.  but since have stopped those bc I havent noticed improvement but noticed that patches increasing and getting bigger.  I do however believe that a good diet and green veggies help.  food cannot be harmful to anyone in moderation.  perhaps keeping the body alkaline helps.  I think that using to many commericial products may trigger vit for some people.  the body might treat them like toxins and also attack pigment cells.  definitely more research needs to be done.  People start writing to medical insititutions and ask them to start doing more research.  Call or write to your local congress people and ask them to fund more research for vitiligo.  I don't know of many other disease for which there really isn't viable treatment.  

    Till then eating a well balanced and avoiding processed foods would be beneficial for vit and warding off many other conditions.

    • I think some people have weak ...some ppl have strong immune with vitiligo. There is something that triggers the immune to attack pigment cells by mistake. Vitiligo is the manifestation of a underlying problem. For ex: infertility has many reasons. And until the cause is not known its hard to solve it. Similarly a stomach ache could be caused by overeating or by not eating. So to tell a person who is not eating enough to further not eat will worsen his condition. Similarly somebody who has overtaken to tell him to eat more will further worsen his condition. From my understanding this is the reason vitiligo is not successfully treated by modern medicine ESP. Allopathic. While allopathic medicine is great for lowering blood pressure, and heart disease it is light years beyond for vitiligo. Know your body and seek treatment based on an imbalance in your body. I believe India and china are far ahead in successfully treating some cases of vit. Correct me if I am wrong
    • Im stil confused  do we have over active or under active imune system.?

  • My feelings exactly.
  • Thank you all for your input, experiences and knowledge. It can be frustrating when we are constantly looking for answers when there likely isn't any ! I just get anxious and wish I could just understand my body and skin properly :( I don't care if there's no cure, If I can understand how best to control the risks of spreading it would just help me feel more in control I guess :s
    • i think that vitiligians have the strongest immunity ever !! for mine is the stongest i;ve survived lots of wasp and otha deadly stings !! stinged area never swells for me ( ima vitiligian )..n thats it!!

      your turn

  • It neither weak nor strong - its different . Different response to the same thing, or mostly to an unexsisting "intruder" . I would call it - trying to adapt .

    • Some doctors don`t advaice to overdrive imunne coz it is allready over active that is why the Lymphosyte attack the melanocytes (pigmentcells) body knows why do they attack them ,that is why it is called  autoimune condition..I guss some thing wrong in the software.Live normal life don`t stress about vitiligo that much.No one knows the underlaying couse.D


      • but some investigations &  research would help millions rite,,,

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