
  • i have never believed on the blind products and fake advertiment untill now ive known something that make sense because it involves experiments AND research . hope this is the international treatment for vitiligo and that it is not very expensive :)


  • when will this come out !!!? thats all i want to know , we need a cure now.

  • It makes sense since melanin is made of Phenylalnin(Tyrsoin) Which is a protein. CMON!

    • Exactly ! 

      • well dont we get this protein mutant in otc,,,,after all wats this mutant ?????

  • The 1.7 million grant they recieved was in 2008..these new findings are from this research..very promising!
  • I remember when they started this research..I think about 5 years ago..very exciting and promising for everyone with vitiligo!!
  • Thats gr8 , hope to hear more on this ...actually some1 is able to replicate vitiligo on mice ( sad i know poor mice) and just a vaccine can reverse the process too is gr8 news. Read more on this:


    I hope it does not take 8-10 yrs to get it in drug stores..

    • LOL thats the point, for rich kids its already availiable( like everything else )  i have no doubt, but for general population its a wild dream . Though rich kids never have Viti , its like leprosy - only poor suffer . And i bet my pocket 50$ that is because of stress , knowing that you are doomed . 

      PS. Dont worry about mice its considered cool to have Viti in mice world . Not so much for humans . 

  • I saw it too and I feel hopeful that it will be the answer to many of our prayers...Be good to know more about it and maybe have a Q&A like we did with Clinuvel-at some point.

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