Has anyone heard of this cream?

I have a compounding pharmacy in my neighborhood and they prescribe this cream called Pseudocatalase cream for vitiligo. The pharmacist says it has beem very successful with vitiligo. It prevents new spots and repigments old ones. They also have studies and info about it on there website. I have included the link vit cream  The downside its presription only and I have to get something from my doctor first and they do not take my insurance so I am checking to see how much it cost out of pocket. He seemed very confident in this cream so I wanted to know if anyone else had any experience with this. The natural cream I am using from Dr. hill is working but it seems a little slow so I am wanting to try something else.  thanks for your feedback.

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  • depends on the version of pcat, one worked the other didnt.

    • I used the patented formulation developed by Dr. Karin Schallreuther while she was at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.  That is the only version available in the United States.

  • Hi Antuana,

    Yes, I've used Pseudocatalase and had great results.


    • i am glad to hear that . Are you still using it & did you have to get a prescription for it?

      • I stopped using it but when I did, yes you need a prescription.  Some derms don't know about it so I suggest you print the articles on the site you referenced (great resource BTW) and bring them with you on your doctor's appointment.  Please let us know what happens!


        All the best,



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