Does anyone else develop white patches after skin trauma?

Hi, A few yers ago I burned an area of normal skin around my elbow (that has vitiligo) with hair straighteners (were on the bed and touched them with my arm) Initially the burned skin was dark pink in colour and showed signs of healing, but it never healed properly and my skin colour did not return, the burned area had turned white and is now growing in size, so became vitiligo skin. About 2 months ago I burned the upper region of my left arm, accidentally caught my arm on a hot lamp, stupid yes but just a silly accident. The burn area was about the size of a 20 pence coin. After a few weeks the burn started to heal and new skin has grown back, but it is pink/white in colour, I do not know for sure if it is vitiligo but it's so frustrating having a condition where you cannot even injure yourself. Minor scrapes and burns just turn into a new patch of vitiligo. The question I want to ask is has anyone else developed vitiligo from skin trauma?

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  • Not sure I've noticed that , but have noticed that my injuries take ages to heal, eg, if I stub my toe the bruise is there forever! But I know when I'm going to lose more colour as I get attacks, I'll get itchy patches of skin,
  • All of my vitiligo has started through skin inflammation or reaction to synthetic clothes, clothing dyes or chlorine, or drugs that made me scratch the skin. Hopefully this means it can come back. I have had se pigment return after a medicine I was given made me sun sensitive.
    • Yep I had a midge bite scratched it and hey ho skin went white around it...


  • Yes trauma can spread new lesions if ur vitiligo is non segmental. Koebner phenomenon holds true for it.

  • This is not how my vitiligo started, but it definitely is a trigger for many people. As I was doing research about a month ago, I cam across a young lady who developed vitiligo after burning her forehead with a curling iron. She suffered with it for years, and coincidentally decided to get healthy to heal her gut, as she was always suffering from stomach aches. As a result, her vitiligo cleared up and hasn't returned. 

    You can read about it here:

    Vitiligo can be reversed, it's not hopeless. You just have to be aggressive and determined to heal your body (specifically your gut) from the inside. It does take time, but I wholeheartedly believe this is the answer.


  • Yes. I work at Starbucks and have acquired a ton of cuts from the equipment. Most of my patches on my hands/arms were once those wounds.
  • try using protopic ointment once the area has just healed up. helps for me im a welder and i get burns all the time , but when i put protopic on them and go out in the sun they go very pink and can return colour within a few days. 

    • Thanks for the tip mate, just got some protopic from the docs, will start putting it on
  • Yup I burned my hand on the heating element in the oven and same thing turned pink then white. Just got another burn two weeks ago about the size of a quarter finally healed but pink and now waiting for it to turn white I guess. Look up paleo autoimmune protocol
  • Yeah , my first vitiligo patch was on my left knee and I got it after I fell and scraped my knee and vitiligo is what it healed into .

    However since then ive got many burns and scrapes and they have healed back with full color ! So its not every times , thank god .

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