
i was wondering how many people who have vitiligo aslo have diabetes. there is a link so we are at higher risk and diabetes runs in my family big time. i'm going to get tested for diabetes this Thursday so i was just curious. 

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  • i have diabetes my vit started at 18 and i found i was diabetic when i was 21 i am 25 and im just coming to terms that this is how life is
  • Diabetes like Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease. Once you have one autoimmune disease, you are at a higher risk of developing another. There is no direct link that I am aware of between the two directly, but considering it is in your family it would never hurt to have it checked. At least then you may be able to catch it early and be able to control it with lifestyle changes (if required). My dermatologist tests me annually for various autoimmune conditions, for example diabetes, thyroid, lupus, as well as cortosol levels and ana levels (and probably a few others it's normally around the 10+ vials of blood the lab takes). Like you diabetes runs in my family as well as some other conditions that are related to autoimmune disorders so she tests annually, so to catch anything as it develops.

  • My grandpa got his vitiligo in old age around the time he was diagnosed with diabetes (type 2), so perhaps there could be some relation. I know that i am at risk considering its in my family too. What has always confused me is why my grandpa got his vit in old age, and i got mine at a young age!? And why did my mother not get it- since genetically she would have had to pass it onto me. So many questions we all want answers to! I hope your test results are all fine :) 

  • i am pre diabetic,but drs. never said there was a link, ialso went to my opthmologist for an eye exam ,to see if there was any effect to my eyes from the vitiligo ,my father had vitiligo and was color blind,so far it all looks good

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