

December 26


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  • hi

  • Mo,
    Go to the "Main" page. On the left hand column are timely articles on vitiligo in the news. Pretty cool.
    The second one Still Brown Inside and the one about Lee Thomas who just wrote a book on his experience depigmenting are really good. There is a link to a video documentary about Lee on his website about his book called Turning White.
  • Mo,
    One of the things that strikes me the most when seeing people who have depigmented is how we w/o melanin issues are all so much from the same family. Vitiligo while stripping some of color does reveal our similarities outside of shades of brown and because of that there is redemptive beauty in our suffering. I was checking out the links Steve has set up of the picture of the woman doing the play on vitiligo.
  • Welcome, Mo! Good to see you here.
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