Crazy/Funny Vitiligo Stories...

Does anyone have any crazy, funny vitiligo stories that they tell to maybe break the ice and get through those awkward moments? lol Of course we should let people know what it really is but how do you handle your first encounters with people who are not aware of vitiligo, especially children?

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  • I work with young kids all the time. I'm a substitute teacher, as well as work with different youth groups and get asked why my skin is different colors all the time.  I try to explain to them, that parts of my skin tans just like theres do in the summer, while other parts do not. Just like how their arms will tan, but under their clothes do not.

    Then I tell them that I get to be "cool" like zebras, tigers, dalmations and other animals with different colors of fur/skin.

  • Intresting!!!!!!!!!!!!!. My daughter one day asked me why i have to wear one type of lipstick every day(pink). i explained to her that its a skin disorder.Some time back i feel it used to bother her so much but  these days she seems comfortable with me.

  • when my cousin was a little girl......she would tell all her little friends that she had a cousin with poka dot legs. That was sooo funny to me...and cute.

  • It differes from children to children some are very polite and ask you what's wrong
    Others run point and laugh. But my most memorable moment
    I was going to staten island with my cousin and our of no where this little
    Boy runs up to me grabs my hands and starts to dance lol. 
    When children ask me tho I tell them wats wrong as simply and kindly 
    As possible some parents scold their kids I tell them no don't they want to learn.
    Others look and smile at me and say thank you. 
  • I have never ever said this to a child, but I've always wanted to tell a naughty child I got my spots from not listening to grown-ups to see what they would say. Once again I've never done it because I honestly want children to understand that what I have is no big deal, but just a small bit of me wants to say that :)

  • I have 2 year old twins they always say
    "awhh daid daids(bandaids) boo boo" and kiss my
    Knees or elbows. My 3 year old doesn't even 
    Realize I'm different. One day I said to her 
    "baby girl what color is mommy?" to see her
    Reaction and she says "whatever color God 
    Makes people silly we are all the same. Do you 
    Have a nose and feet and mouth like me?" I said "
    Yes I do" she smiled and said "see mommy were
    The same"
  • Aloha!  I have vit pretty bad on my arms and hands and shoulders and here in Hawaii it’s so hot to cover up all the time.  So if anybody stares and I can actually talk t them, I start out by saying, “I have something in common with Michael Jackson but guess what, I can’t sing or dance that much, so what this is, is called vitiligo.” I’ve even pointed out that leopards, horses, dogs and koi fish have spots too so it’s found all throughout nature and is what makes us special.


  • I always tell kids that some people are white and some people are brown but god wanted me to be both colors - just like a dalmation

  • When i was in primary school during the summer i would get really tanned, all except for my vit spots. Got teased a fair bit by other kids, so i think i just gave them shit back- and pretended that i was contagious haha....that soon scared them off. Guess if we don't laugh about it sometime we will start to feel too down on ourselves :) 

  • Well, I will share an encounter at a walmart... while i was shopping and walking down the isle where a man and a little boy, who was about the age of 6, was he's says to his dad "dad look at her, she's all messed up"!  I looked at the boy and then looked at his father and his father said nothing.  I think he was embarrassed because he knew I heard what his son had said.  I started to say something, but didn't.  Shame on that father for not correcting his son's behavior or he could have atleast explained that people are different. 

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