Broken heart.. Help please?

In a jouiner in high school and I suffer from vitiligo. It huge on my right front and back leg only. I neve wear shorts and I live in Florida! The only time I wear shorts is when I have to. I cheer competitively and at practice is the only place people don't pay attention. When in at events and out elsewhere with my team we wear out skirts. I constantly am getting looks.. My mon and dad tell me its all in my head.. That know one even notices.. I know otherwise and it breaks u heart. I don't  know how to deal with it.. I look at everyone's perfect legs an it hurts my feeling when a girl says " Ewh I have a cut on my leg my legs are so gross" .. I don't get why people who have nothing wrong but as little as a cut will  stop them from wearing a dress, skirt, ect.  But anyway I just hope when im done with high school I won't get judged so harshly due to being older and more mature.. But for now I literally I hate my body..  Ii need advice:( daily I get these bad thoughts.. Really bad thoughts. I don't even know what to do anymore:(

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  • Hey Mia, I'm 15 and a sophomore in high school. I run cross country and track so I'm in the same boat having to wear shorts and all. My freshman year was really hard because I was extremely self conscious about it and thinking that everyone saw it and was freaked out by it. And to be honest people don't notice it as much as I think they do. I always used to freak myself out because of it. I try to wear long pants as much as I can durring school. But outside of school weather it's at practice or hanging with my friends I find it easier to wear shorts then rather then durrin school. I know exactly how you feel. And you can always inbox me, I'm glad to talk to you :)
    • Thanks for sharing :) means alot
  • I'm giving you a big internet hug right now. I've been working on putting a spin on "standing out". Yes, people notice me more because of my Vit, so that just means I have to be the best version of myself I can possibly be. Be funny, nice, interesting. When people notice you for your vit, they will also notice how self confident and wonderful you are and essentially think you a pretty kick ass chick. I know, better said than done. If you want, you might want to check out dermablend that you can wear during your competitions, it might boost your self confidence. Oh, and life out of high school is much better :)

  • Hi Mia. Wow you're so lucky to be living in Florida. I loved it when I visited last april.
    Anyways, we all feel that way and the only advice I can give you is to accept who you are because there's nothing we can do about it, right? so why not just be happy? :) Who cares about the stares? NOBODY's perfect !!!
    If you need someone to talk to please inbox me.
    Take care and keep your head up !!!: )

  • Mia---you are not alone.  Most of us here know EXACTLY how you feel.  Thanks for being so honest, and I think you'll find a lot of comfort from talking to others here who understand.

  • It takes time to learn to cope with vitiligo! I am sorry you feel so bad. Here you will find people to talk to. If you need to talk inbox me. Take care, Cawanda
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