



December 25



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About Me:

im a 48 year widow with 3 grown up sons . i work part time and ive got some really good friends who are very supportive its just that i dont want to worryt them with this condition they just don't understand . i've never new this exsisted and when the doctor diagnose it and i saw pictures my heart stopped.so i need to be intouched with people like myself who understand and can help with support

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  • Hey Anthea !!!!! Thanks for your mail. It was so nice to hear from you again. I am so happy that Protopic is working for you. How nice it is to hear that you are now a different person to the scared person that joined in the group! You have come a long way - fast !!!! I am glad. You had all your sons at home since xmas ?? Great !!! How many sons do you have ?? I bet is it indeed nice to have them all home under one roof !!!!! Too bad you broke up with John - but I am sure everything happens for a reason. Hope you had a good time with your friends. Sorry for the delay in reply. I was on holiday since 17th and returned only on Monday night !!!!! Take good care of yourself. And keep in contact.
  • Hi Anthea,

    So sorry to hear you decided to end your relationship but its nice that you can remain friends. It must have been a tough decision to make.
    You must have been delighted to have all your family back home, safe and sound. I am pleased to hear that you had such a positive experience at the Red Cross. I have thought about giving them a try myself but have always bottled out.Its good that you can get your make-up on prescription too.
    I hope you have a good week. Love and blessings x
  • Hi Anthea,

    How are you doing? Its been a while since we last spoke so I hope you are well. My vitiligo seens to be very unpredictable at the moment but I am having quite a stressful time so it could be down to that. How are you coping with yours? Best wishes x
  • Hey Anthea !!!! I enjoy reading your comments here !!!!! Little Panda ???!!! I like it !!!!! LOL !!!!! I think John has reduced your "Vitiligo stress" to zero !!!!! Now, let Protopic take care of the rest !!!! Take care. Best wishes !!!!!!
  • Hi Anthea,
    The past couple of days have been good for me, hope yours have been also. I also heard that stress can cause vit to spread. I do my best to avoid it, but...such is life sometimes. Glad to hear your son will be comming home soon, that should be a great help in stress reduction for your self. Nice hearing from you...Thanks
  • Anthea,
    That is so sweet. My friends see my soul first and the vitiligo second!! My friend loves me in spite of the vitiligo!! It will be ok trust me if you don't believe me yet!! Cawanda
  • Hi Anthea,
    Yes the first day back went OK. My bosses and colleagues do not know about my vitiligo. I am fair skinned and always cover up with fake and and clothes. Sometimes I think you can still see it but no-one has said anything to me yet. I am fairly new to the school and really didn't want anyone to know.
    I have just read you are getting married. Congratulations, how lovely. When are you hoping to marry? Have a lovely day. Great to chat to you xxx
  • Hi Anthea,

    How are you today? I know what you mean about being in touch with fellow suffers. It breaks down the lonliness and isolation. Until now, I did not know of anyone else with vitiligo so this site is a God send to me.
    I work part time too in a school and today went back after 5 weeks holiday. Was probably thinking about it rather than doing it ,so good to get the first day over! What do you do? Best wishes xxx
  • Hey Anthea !!!!! I was so happy to read your reply today. Let us know when you marry :-) At vitiligo friends - we LOVE to hear about a member getting married :-) It goes to prove that we can lead a normal life - just like others do. You made my day :-) I am single - but I hope someday I will find someone who likes me - in spite of my extensive vitiligo. The attach gift - you can see - the red ribbon is free! For other gifts - you have to buy credit - i.e pay !!!!! They are not real gifts - though !!!! Just they add the picture to the page of the person you intended to send the gift !!!!!!! But there are many websites that give free images - that you can add to pages of your friends here !!!!! Let me send one for you now :-) Take care.

  • Hi Anthea,
    I have had it for say ten years....sterted as knuckles that wouldn't tan. As the years went, it spread to my fingers and now underside of my wrists. it seems to spread more some years then others. I am glad you added me as a friend, and look forward to speaking with you again.
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