





May 20



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About Me:

have had vitiligo for 50 years

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  • Gosh I had no idea how long it has been since I have been on this site...I think it was because I had forgotten my password and life just got in the way.  I have found since living back in the sub-tropics it is easier to manage my vitiligo with fake tanning cream.  Too scared to take M cause I am in my early 50's and it could hurt ones vital organs.  Most people do not notice it.  I do as I have had it for over 40 years and at one time totally cured.  I think when life throws me some curves I tend to get another spot.  Still manage the ones on my hands with dye-o-derm.  Again sorry I have not been on here for some time...will be back soon:)
  • Hola Andrew,

    Just wanted to say HI ! Hope you have a fine day !

  • Hi Andrew. How are you. I am new to this geat website having been diagnosed 2 years ago.I was devaststed aand felt very isolated with my vitilgo until now. Be good to chat.
  • Hi Andrew, how are you?
  • 50 years? Has your case progressed to something not dissimilar to albinism, if you don't mind me asking? I've had mine for less than eight and insofar it seems that's the way my case is heading. It's be awesome to get your perspective, from someone who's had it for so long.
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