



Auburn, WA


January 1



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Vitiligo (Leucoderma skin discoloration disease not dangerous for human life) disease is characterized by the appearance of depigmented patches (milky white) white patches, light pink patches) on the skin, common in sun exposed areas like hands, feet, arms, face and lips. Many Vitiligo Treatments are being applied to remove skin white patches but the most successful, easy to apply and low cost treatment is the use of Anti-vitiligo-oil, which is a herbal product. Large numbers of people in all around the world are satisfied with this herbal vitiligo treatment. For further information please feel free to ask questions.

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  • nice to meet you here is my contact ( monicawilson4god@hotmail.com ) write me i will tell you more about me

  • Yeah I wish it was mine. It belongs to a friend of mine. Thanks anyway.
  • Yes I have read up on it. Because of my Vitaligo, I cannot get a job, I am discriminated against every where I go. It covers over 50% of my body.
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