

Port Orchard, WA


May 29

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About Me:

I'm a microbiologist interested in all aspect of the healing arts including recognized medicine, alternative medicine and complementary medicine. In addition, my hobbies include working in the garden and taking long walks with my dog.

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  • Thanks for the friend invite.  Do you have vitiligo?  Take care, Cawanda
  • Hello !!!! Thank you for the friend invite !!! Good to meet you !!! How are you ?? Hope all is well. Take care !!! :) 
  • Hello and Welcome !!! Glad you are here !!! :) :) :)
  • well, really appreciate you joined us. here you will not only know how many people are suffering world wide but also you will find out that how do they suffer, two things, skin change and mental pressure, hope your researches or your friends researches will work soon for us, and find us a better treatment. that will be the day we win. not only we win but all the humanity will win..
  • first of all welcome to the group,,, then let me know how did you joined it. are you suffering from vetiligo, if yes, then you are a better source for us. coz we can ask you many many questions about it. that is why you are a microbiologist.


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