Hey !!! You are lucky your vitiligo is under control !!!! I have not heard about CHT before. I take vitamin B12 and Folic acid. I hear it is good for us. I also try to stay away from certain food that my doctor says is bad for me. Have a good day!
Hey !!! Thanks for your reply !!!! In my case, there is no history of vitiligo. I am the only in my family to get it. It started a long time ago. I now have for over 25 years. I have used all kinds of treatments. Some worked. Some did not. At the moment I am using Protopic and steroid cream. I have not tried any phototherapy devices, but my doctor has told me to go out in the sun early mornings ))))) I assume you tried UV therapy ?? Is your vitiligo all gone now ?? How nice you work for a company that sells UV lights !!!! Have a good day !!!!! :) :)
Hello !!!!! Thank you for adding me as your friend. Glad to meet you. Tell me more about you and life with vitiligo. Come by here to talk when you can. Good day !!! :)
nice to meet you here is my contact ( monicawilson4god@hotmail.com ) write me i will tell you more about me