



Lonedell, MO


December 29



Relationship Status:


Website or Blog:

https://I wish there was a cover up

About Me:

I was 18 when I first found out I was going to be hit with something so ugly,and to know there was nothing to stop this ugly ness and nothing to cover up this uglyness made me very depressed.I am now 37 and a wife and mother to four.I still have a hard time with my skin and it is hard for me to look in the mirror.I don't like pictures taken of me and only have a few pictures of me.I was told that the skin would reach it's peek and stop,but that was untrue.Last year I recieved knew spots on my legs and that was one part of my body that was still a pretty skin color.I was 30 before it ever hit my face.I would tell myself as long as it doesn't appear on my face I will be alright,but it did and it is terrible.I was 35 when I found out it was behind my eyes.I now tell myself everyone has something wrong and my next life I will be perfect.My children and husband tell me they don't even see it,but thats to pertect my feelings.I do know this even with this uglyness I am loved very much.