So we can talk about how cold it is :) Tell stories about vit, research in Canada so far...
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  • When I was 10 weeks into narrow band I could go for 3 mins without burning. Before 1 min and 20 sec would get burned. Melanotan2 helped 

  • Just started my treatment again. Last time I took Melanotan2 and narrowband. started to get thousands of freckles until I tried  babchi oil to speed it up. 2nd degree burns. 5% of people have my reaction to it.


    This time using Manotan2 and pseudocatalase mixed with peperine and narrowband.

  • Hello All, what a great avenue to connect. I have been searching for a site that would put me in touch with others in Alberta with Vitiligo. this is great!

  • Please, support the petition to designate June 25 as Vitiligo World Day and save millions of people worldwide from social isolation and persecution. It would be appreciated if you could give every member of your family or group an opportunity for signing.

  • Hello!

    I'm Eileen from Alberta, and would like to say hi to all of you guys and thanks for having a group set up. I will make sure to utilize the resources and contribute (if I can) once exams are over. I've had V for 12 years and thought, hey it's never too late to see what other people's experiences with it have been and are presently.

  • Even 18 now Hi all looking for cure ha so M I but rather just make friends that understand and can chat, but if you do have a cure inbox me  we make special deal ; ) lolol

  • hello all, my name is april and i am new to the group. I am 33 years old and this year was diagnosed with vitiligo.....well actually i have not seen a derm to be properly diagnosed with it but i saw a skin care specialist who told me it was not melasma as i orgnally thought but it was vitiligo....i am glad to have found a place where i know i am not alone it has been not the best time for me as it seems to have come on only last year
  • Thanks for posting Richard I hadn't heard of this yet, looks promising and possibly less intrusive than some procedures.
  • google ReCell looks good for us
  • Hey guys, I saw there wasn't a Canadian group yet. Merry Christmas everyone, and here's a little poem to keep you warm.

    It's winter in Canada
    And the gentle breezes blow
    Seventy miles an hour
    At thirty-five below.

    Oh, how I love Canada
    When the snow's up to your butt
    You take a breath of winter
    And your nose gets frozen shut.

    Yes, the weather here is wonderful
    So I guess I'll hang around
    I could never leave Canada
    I'm frozen to the friggin' ground!
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