Community Non-Profit Organizations And Vitiligo

Are there any non-profit organizations in your area that will be interested in helping spread the word about vitiligo? Sometime we have to start in our own backyard to get the word out. Most non profits especailly in small towns are looking for something new to help expand their mission. If they have their 501 (tax exempt status ) they can help do fund raising.

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  • None in Houston, but we are having our second monthly support group meeting.  If anyone is in Houston this Saturday, Jan. 22, come out and meet some of us.  Callione's Seafood Po-Boy at 3:30pm.  Hope you can join us!  Send me an email if you have any questions.
    • I started the Southern Anti-Racism Network (SARN) in 1999. Check out

      As a person fighting for racial justice all my life, the irony that I'm now whiter than most white people is a bit disconcerting. However, I'm learning that my lighter skin has given me different insights into the system of white supremacy. I haven't figured out how to talk about pigment in a way that educates on racial justice. Greater awareness about vitiligo seems like a way to reduce prejudice against people of color and the dark poor in particular. God does have a sense of humor ;o)

  • Hello
    Delaware Vitiligo Support & Awareness Group will have their second Annual event July 9, 2010. Interested in coming contact Barbara at
  • There is none in my area, but I have started one. We dont have non-profits that are looking for something to do here everybody into non-profits starts out doing something, if not HIV/AIDS, youth related, Entrepreneurship, women and maternal health etc.
    I am not aware of anyone or organisation that has ever talked about Vitiligo in Nigeria and around, pls notify me if you come across any of such non-profit with presence in Africa.

    • Hello Ogo

      Most Non-Profits are either religious, health or education based. Sometime you (individual) or an established non profit can become a member of an existing non profit and branch out from that. Look at all your non profits that is in your area especially the health and education based ones and see how you can work with them and create a "new branch on an existing tree". (thats what I meant when I said looking for something new to do) For example the youth related one you mentioned, children that have vitiligo could get involved with a youth group and help start awareness and support through that existing organization. It all depends on how the Non Profit Organization is structured. (Bylaws) Same thing for the ones that is for women and maternal health. The women organizations that exist in your area, are they education or health based organizations? If they are, talk to someone about expanding their education and/or health mission to include vitiligo in there. We women have it a little harder when it comes to dealing with it. Even a religious organization can do this by creating a group that promotes spirtual uplifting through awareness for family members, and/or friends that have vitiligo . Have you looked into the Tafarki Foundation? Maybe they can help.

      Im not sure how things work for organizations in Africa, but here, in the U.S., we have what is called an "umbrella or parent agent" in nonprofits. There are a lot of organizations that are not tax exempt because they don't have their 501 status they still can operate as a non profit but can't apply for grants from the government. They may not have the money to do what is needed so they go under another existing organization that has their 501 tax exempt status and have the funding and that organization can apply for grant money for them. There are a lot of legal stuff and PAPERWORK that comes along with it. The organization that is helping you out is responsible for you and will be the one in charge and you have to report to them what is going on in your group. You have to keep account of all money that is given to you.

      When looking at various groups have a creative mind and see how you can merge with them and expand.
    • Hello Lucy,
      How are you doing? Am so sorry for respponding to your beautful comment late, never really saw it till now. Atimes I get here and there is so much to read when I have little time and atimes I miss reading my messages because I didnt get to them

      Thank you, already I have started one which I Incoporated as a non-profit in Nigeria and have NVFI as our partner.
      I will read through and give it a thought and come back to you for more info and advice.

      Thanks and do have a great day.

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