So it's 2015 now and This year one of my aims is to meet people like me with vitiligo as I've never had the opportunity before. If you live in the UK and like me you want to get to know more people and meet up, join this group!
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  • Guys I am in for the 23rd and happy with the Central London location. 

  • Hi Anil 14th may only I reach London.. I'll ask my Company if I get leave on 23rd.. If I get leave I'll definitely come and I'll give you my number when I reach London
  • Hi guys. Thanks to everyone who has joined.

    We need to get a date confirmed for the meetup as people including me are putting other plans on hold until we can arrange this.

    So the plan as it stands is:

    Saturday 23rd May, Central London.

    Anyone who is free to meet up reply to this post or send me a message with your mobile number so we can create a group on Whatsapp to keep in touch, rather than arranging plans on here.

    Thanks :)

  • Hi guys it's really nice to meet you all here... I was so depressed and I think now I got a family... I'm moving to London next month I hope i can meet you guys and spend some quality time with you guys
  • Would definitely have to be a weekend. 23rd May is better for me. As for location it depends on where everyone is based. London isn't ideal for me but I would make the trip if that's where the majority of you are. Where is best for everyone else?
  • Sorry guys, I got my dates mixed up. I've already got something planned for the 16th. How does either 22nd or 23rd sound?

  • Right, I am going to suggest to dates: 16th or 17th May to give everyone enough time. We could meet in Central London (Depending on everyone's travel arrangements ofcourse). We could either meet in one of the parks or go for a coffee depending on the numbers.

  • Hi mark. Well I'm based in Leeds and Birmingham. But I'm willing to meet anywhere and make a day of it. All depends on what everyone prefers really
  • Hi Anil, How about a suggestion on where we could meet up, is everyone here based in London ? 

  • Thanks for joining Bijal.

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