How to Cope?

Has anyone ever used your vitiligo as a means to be rude to you? How do you constructively handle the situation? I felt bad today when a hostess at a restaurant coldly pointed out the white spot and several white hairs on my hairline. I told her about vitiligo and the death of melanocytes in skin cells, but I could tell she just said it to be nasty for some reason. What do you do when things like this happen? I feel so angry, but also very ugly.

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  • I don't understand, I have never been treated different or made fun of quite the opposite, i have always felt very strongly about the way I look it makes me stand out and I like that. I am Sr. Captain Firefighter/paramedic and caring for people who have real afflications maybe has given me a perspective that enables me to present myself in a way that people don't see me different, I don't understand?
  • I work with children and it is very normal for one are two students to ask me about the white spots so I just educate them. Then they never ask again. Adults just stare and try to keep their eyes on my eyes. Now and then an adult will question about the spot which they know is not very good manners but again as an educator I just educate them about vitiligo.
    Keep positive, maybe you were meant to be an educator to.
  • My mother in law's boyfriend said something very ugly to me one day. I work with animals. He said, Did one of your animals escape and scratch aand bite you on your face. I've known him for over 5 years and He is aware of my vitiligo. I guess he was making a joke. I kindly asked him to leave and my husband opened the door. People say mean things, to lower your self esteem. Stay strong and be proud. God made us different for a reason. I love me and no one can take that away.
    • Yu musnt feel hurt by such things, juss accept the way yu are and accept that people would olways ask, so juss be free and explain wat is it coz of coz the disease is digusting and shocking and expect such questions , so juss accept my luv and be happy. U know wat my luv before l was like that l realised that the more l worry the more l get thinner and thinner so then l decided to accept it and finnaly am very much free to tell them wat happened to me nd have a normal body than before.

      l luv yu
  • I have had this experience and also experienced sometimes people's reactions, which is louder than words. When this has happened to me, I have replayed those scenarios in my mind to see what clever way I could have responded. I'm usually speechless and surprised as to how insensitive people are.

    Would saying, "Thanks for pointing out my imperfections, I obviously don't need to point yours out." would that be just as rude?

    I think you have a right to be angry, I get angry too. But I also try not to let strangers take away my pride and self worth. I am who I am and I can't change that. Stay in the positive my friend!!
  • Thank you ya'll! :]
  • She apparently is not happy with herself. Don't let her get to you, you are better than that. Ignorance is what this world is made of. You can't judge me only God can!!! Next time someone is being negative towards you. God Bless! Stay positive.
  • People are mean regardless! Don't be crippled by someones elses anger and hate! Be yourself and love yourself. You are beautiful!!!!!!!
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