A non-profit established to raise awareness of Vitligo in Maryland and provide support resources for persons living with Vitiligo, their friends and family through education, support mechanisms, and social networking.
29 Members

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  • Привет всем

  • Is anyone attending the Vitiligo Conference in D.C. next weekend?
  • Where and when exactly are these meetings? I'm in Ellicott City...have never been to these meetups and would love to come

  • Just pick a bar or resturant and just meet up there.
  • When's the next meeting lol?!

  • HELLO, HELLO, HELLO, MD Vit Support!  Please keep me posted on those meetings.  If anyone is in maryland who has went from brown skin to white skin please hit me up.

  • Please, support the petition to designate June 25 as Vitiligo World Day and save millions of people worldwide from social isolation and persecution. It would be appreciated if you could give every member of your family or group an opportunity for signing. http://www.25june.org/

  • The meetings are held in Baltimore, Maryland.  In 2011, we will meet in locations around Maryland. 
  • where are these meetings at?
  • Has a date for the next meeting been set?
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