The BS you face on a day to day basis

Before i begin please forgive anything that may offend you in this post. I don't intend to go out there to harm (in any way shape or form) people.

So today i shall let you guys into the happenings of my life. So i was at west ham minding my own business listening to my music (enjoying the peace), and i was approached by a man, well i say a man more safe to say he was the lowest being (in my opinion) on the face of this earth. So he turns out to be a conman just pushing his BS to someone he feels is an easy target. So here's a sample of his snake oil "in two weeks ill cure you of your illness that you have, and my Father had this back home ". what infuriates me is this man this piece of scum decided to make himself known to me. I don't go out there wearing makeup or concealing my illness, because i'm proud of who i am and i will not have it any other way. I've had the benefit of meeting some great people who have shaped my life, and made me change my outlook on it.

The moral of this little window into my life is, "if it's too good to be true, more often than not it usually is". Thanks for even reading this, have a great week, be proud of yourself, and never give into the crap others may try to push onto you.

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  • I find this pretty much typical of London and other capitals... Money driven with no care! I had a similar experience(albeit nothing to do with skin) when helping a friend move flat in central!

  • I think you realise that the problem here is not with you,but this person. When people go out of their way to make others feel small or point to their differences and try to make that person see things in a negative light,they are the ones with the problem-not you. Best thing to do is to put that sorry person out of your mind and carry on having the positive attitude you have. He'll always be offering his "cures"-while there are enough people out there feeling desperate. Believe in yourself-you are just as good as the next person.
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