
As a BLACK woman who has lost all pigment. I really dislike having people "constantly" ask me what’s my nationality.




So I think half the stupid stares are because they are trying to figure out what I am. Does this happen to anyone else?



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  • Okay... I went out last night with my home boy whom I've know damn near forever and he was amazed at how people was asking "Are you Mixxed" and "Where are you from". I bull shit you not!!!! He lauged and

    I suppose I might as well accept it because its going to happen...smh! But if I tell people who know me about this and how Im constantly asked they think Im just being over the top or making this crap up.

    CHECK THIS OUT... A chic asked me while crossing in the corss walk after the I left the lounge "Are you black?". I turned around because she said this as we passed. I said "Yes, Im black" and she said "Oh because you look mixxed". This "ding dong do-doo head" of a chick was probably dunk, but my boy laughed his butt off.... lol.

    I even had some guy calling me exotic as if it was my name and when I wouldn't pay him any attention I heard him call me "Casper" as if that was my new name :- ( I should have walked over and put my fist in his gut !!!!!
  • People naturally assume that we are from a different race because of our lack of skin pigmentation they ask questions like are you hispanic, asian or something they assume that you are anything but black when you have vitiligo but that's how people think and it's a shame but that's people for you because ignorance is all around us

    • we're spotted-american's... whats the deal? hahahahah
  • This happens to me everyday! Many white people think I am white. Some I have shown pictures of my children to and they tell me one day you will have children of your own. When I take them on vacation or for professional pictures everyone things they ar adopted and what a wonderful white woman I am to adopt black babies,smh. I use to wish that I could go on a talk show with skin heads and/or racists and pretend I was one of them and then tell them the whole time I am black fool.

    This summer I had a biracial (black/white) girl at a store ask me if I was half black and I said no I'm full black and I laugh at that now because what the hell is full black.

    I do think it hinders my thinking when I meet a man. Specifically a black man because is he attracted to me because he thinks I'm not really black or the whole light skin long hair thing. I hate that. I am so not superficial and if you love/like me it better be from the inside out.
    • Hey Lady,

      I typed damn near a book responding to you yesterday only to find out my message was note posted due to my

      I dnt remember all I had typed, but I'll be sending you a private message.
      I find it wild how ppl respond to "skin color". People look at both my parents and assume I must be adopted or if thy see just me and moms then my pops is of some different race. When its just me and pops some think he could be my friend or sugar GROSS!

      All of us cope and deal with vit differently but its nice having someone I can identify with. And your comment about the hit it dead on. My personal goal is to find others in my boat who have went from brown skin to white skin. My white skin is still kind of new to me and even when I look at pic of my past I feel like I'm looking at a different person.

      I've spent damn near all my life two tonded, so early on I began to build an emotional wall protecting my feeling and heart from stupid, ignorant, uneducated fools, and ppl who just passed judgement based on my skin tones. So with that being said imigine how high and thick my wall And even though I'm Ivory fools still get crazy....smh. I dnt own anyone anything but when a guys "preferance" is light skin and I find out It makes me feel a certain way. LIGHT SKIN....WTF! But hey we all have a preferance......and Ill keep mine to myself :- )
    • we all have our built in preferecnes in what we find sexually attractive in a mate. whether its color, shape, size, hair, eyex, voice, personality, etc... i never fault people on what floats their boat. for some people i'm the cats meow, for others,... not so much. and vice versa. it's the friendship that that stuff is ridiculous. and if people are distanting themselves from someone because they're unsure of their backgroud, thats just assinine. of perception of background even.

      dont let it bug u, the man for you is out there. thats all, he's just got to get to know u to know it. ;-)
    • you are white, just not caucasian... hahahahahahaha - you're african american.
      (someone asked me once, if some one white from so.african moved to the USA and had kids, would their kids be african-americans? the anwser is yes... figured that one out).
      we are so attached to labels and color and ethnicity, and due to slavery, we cant all identify the country of our ancestors so we have to reference the whole continent.

      just tell people whatever YOU feel is the truth about yourself.

      and if u run across fools, black or white, that cant deal with your truth... F 'em. they have a problem, let them deal with u. people will love you for who u are.
      i would hate to have someone love me just for my skin color.

      live your truth, no one elses.
      ~Rev. Shadow~
    • Thanks, but it doesn't bother me and never did. I actually find it amazing that many people base what people are off of skin color. My best friend said to me a few months back that she actually had forgotten I had vitiligo (we have been friends for 20 years) because when she looks at me she doesn't see it and remembered when someone else was asking questions about vitiligo.
    • thats a friend. congrads. ;-)
  • ciney, i think it's something light-skinned blacks have had to deal with since the 1800's. you dont owe anyone an explanation if you dont want to.
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