I was 22 and I had a really hard time. I only have 2 small spots on my face but wore a bang until was 25. Then I realized beauty comes in all forms pulled my hair back and i haven't worn a bang in 13 years. I don't get mad if people stare i educate them about vitiligio. "my spots are what makes me beautiful"-Cneshia

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  • RELIEVED!!! Because I had & was treated for Cutaneous T-C lymphoma for a 2yrs until my 4th derm. resident(md) said "i'd like to do 1 more biopsy" (had 3 prior). So I'm thankful for Vitiligo because I can LIVE with it & not worry about it KILLING ME! Hallelujah!!!!

    • Thanks for sharing Denise
  • Thanks Rena for sharing



  • I've had it for m ore than 20 yrs. I was diagnosised in my 20's with one small spot - the size of a period(.) Mine spread slowly; but it's all over my body. No one know this but me & God. I too educate anyone who ask or stare. You must realize that it's a blessing & not a curse. I do now but it didn't happen over night. I want lie and say that this is easy but I lnow that I am special and have felt that way since I can remember!
    It's still scary because it changes your appearance it changes you or it changed to me I was as a child - more fearless & more truthful.
    • Thanks for sharing. I hope we can encourage anyone having a hard time dealing with the diagnosis.

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